Another year to be ... Do not go little faster? I imagine that the worms must be even faster, but do not tell us anything. It's been a year of crisis, scandals, Wedding Fountain and many other things, but it has also been a year of worms. Land, huh? If you had in your belly then it was a good year, unless you take a poison to remove them.
next year, and to remove the cold, you have to put more worms to recycle more waste and help your planet, because there is still much for us to go live on Mars.
well have fun at parties, eat a lot, get drunk (but not drive) and enjoy a family of one of the few parties where we get a lot of good vibes and embrace even those who we like fat. That Christmas is pretty, right? The worms
I have wanted to dilute a glass of wine and water them with it to get drunk and make a decent pachanga date. Same and the heat of the glasses are reproduced further and start the year with a lot of lombricitas. Of course there are diluting a salt of grapes the other day to the raw, but once a year.
The 2010 has several projects and, although I think I said I'll do a lot of things, I think next year will have several surprises for the visitors lost here and falling for my 7 followers.
Merry Christmas, a prosperous and promising 2010 (say the crisis is over!), And really your Vermiculture.
By the way, thanks for reading the blog, the 2010 will bring more content, clear that when you remove the cold because BRRRRRRRRR.
A hug and good wishes.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
How To Put Stafree Pad
help the planet! Unless you have some land on the moon ...
I think I've already mentioned before, but today I was reading some things and, as usual, we continue with global warming, landfills health workers who are filling to capacity and smells quite sticky in the trash. Well, its cold here, but I think you know what I mean.
And here I mean that literally ... I went through a trash can in the bigs with several days of waste and monkeys, the plague I got stuck in the nose for several blocks. So hopefully things will hit me that I read in books, but nothing, only what feito.
The sad matter is that these smells are always organic waste. Trash is more difficult to handle, the ugliest, most stinking and nobody wants. And yet, the worms eat it without grumbling and even taste.
How much trouble is to have a drawer in the patio for your own organic waste? The worms do not require special care, equipment, master or diploma and are not affiliated to any union. For a few minutes a day to devote to the worm can have your trash out for months without being a source of infection.
Now you're thinking about buying a cell phone or a new TV as a Christmas gift, buy a kilo of worms. If you're too lazy to go out, you can buy in the free market, eBay or any service you have in your country / region.
ends the year on helping your planet, and that much still remains so that we can go live on Mars.
I think I've already mentioned before, but today I was reading some things and, as usual, we continue with global warming, landfills health workers who are filling to capacity and smells quite sticky in the trash. Well, its cold here, but I think you know what I mean.
And here I mean that literally ... I went through a trash can in the bigs with several days of waste and monkeys, the plague I got stuck in the nose for several blocks. So hopefully things will hit me that I read in books, but nothing, only what feito.
The sad matter is that these smells are always organic waste. Trash is more difficult to handle, the ugliest, most stinking and nobody wants. And yet, the worms eat it without grumbling and even taste.
How much trouble is to have a drawer in the patio for your own organic waste? The worms do not require special care, equipment, master or diploma and are not affiliated to any union. For a few minutes a day to devote to the worm can have your trash out for months without being a source of infection.
Now you're thinking about buying a cell phone or a new TV as a Christmas gift, buy a kilo of worms. If you're too lazy to go out, you can buy in the free market, eBay or any service you have in your country / region.
ends the year on helping your planet, and that much still remains so that we can go live on Mars.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Yogurt Company Berlin
The Australian Vermiculture and Giant Worms Take the rain
Today I read an email from a forum about the giant Australian earthworm and its possible applications in vermiculture. Since I have not had much to write lately, I aventaré a roll on this species. The first half I shot him the Australians.
According to San Google, called "the giant earthworm Gippsland" (Giant Gippsland Earthworm ). It seems the movie name, right? The scientific name is Megascolides Australis and can reach up to 2 meters, but due to the nature of the worms, these measures are relative.
The standard size is 80cm (compare it to 10 of California), so it is a Gigantona and Andrei E. foetida and hair look like next to it. It is considered a vulnerable species and is found only in a small area of \u200b\u200bBass River Valley of South Gippsland (hence the name).
Although there are reports about 100 years ago, not much is known about its biology. The buds are 4 to 8 inches and the little girls seem sausages. That compared with worms from California that just seen.
Case Now
If a ball of worms being short and skinny are fanned a trash heap laughing, then imagine one of these. Surely you would fail and throw garbage. However, even though it sounds nice, does not work with the following:
is an earthworm . The E. Andrei foetida earthworms are "composting", used to living and feeding on decaying organic matter. Earthworms are, well ... ground. They live in tunnels that burrow and feed on them. You require a good size and depth (2 meters for the M. Australis) and recycle these materials which are more decomposed than what you eat the worm from California. According to an Australian (the worm is well advanced in Australia), the perfect food for earthworms is the humus of califoniana. That things, right?
is very large. Apart from that they can not easily consume what we get in the kitchen, the worm is enormous for traditional Vermiculture, even for outdoor mass. As it digs itself deeper, it is safer to peel all about getting bored. If we do not like amounts to both the food given to them, because I do not think many worms are after a couple of days.
This does not mean they do not serve, with similar tunelsotes can greatly improve the composition of the soil, removing much more than their tiny cousins, best drain the land and fertilize the soil.
would not hurt to try, if you have a wet spot, near a dam or water source, equal and you fix the ground, though, as foreign species, it is likely that the predators around here is very fast and eat it easy.
The problem is getting them. Is anyone going to go to Australia? In order to bring about, say ...
Today I read an email from a forum about the giant Australian earthworm and its possible applications in vermiculture. Since I have not had much to write lately, I aventaré a roll on this species. The first half I shot him the Australians.
According to San Google, called "the giant earthworm Gippsland" (Giant Gippsland Earthworm ). It seems the movie name, right? The scientific name is Megascolides Australis and can reach up to 2 meters, but due to the nature of the worms, these measures are relative.
The standard size is 80cm (compare it to 10 of California), so it is a Gigantona and Andrei E. foetida and hair look like next to it. It is considered a vulnerable species and is found only in a small area of \u200b\u200bBass River Valley of South Gippsland (hence the name).
Although there are reports about 100 years ago, not much is known about its biology. The buds are 4 to 8 inches and the little girls seem sausages. That compared with worms from California that just seen.
Case Now
entertaining, it help to the worm?
If a ball of worms being short and skinny are fanned a trash heap laughing, then imagine one of these. Surely you would fail and throw garbage. However, even though it sounds nice, does not work with the following:
is an earthworm . The E. Andrei foetida earthworms are "composting", used to living and feeding on decaying organic matter. Earthworms are, well ... ground. They live in tunnels that burrow and feed on them. You require a good size and depth (2 meters for the M. Australis) and recycle these materials which are more decomposed than what you eat the worm from California. According to an Australian (the worm is well advanced in Australia), the perfect food for earthworms is the humus of califoniana. That things, right?
is very large. Apart from that they can not easily consume what we get in the kitchen, the worm is enormous for traditional Vermiculture, even for outdoor mass. As it digs itself deeper, it is safer to peel all about getting bored. If we do not like amounts to both the food given to them, because I do not think many worms are after a couple of days.
This does not mean they do not serve, with similar tunelsotes can greatly improve the composition of the soil, removing much more than their tiny cousins, best drain the land and fertilize the soil.
would not hurt to try, if you have a wet spot, near a dam or water source, equal and you fix the ground, though, as foreign species, it is likely that the predators around here is very fast and eat it easy.
The problem is getting them. Is anyone going to go to Australia? In order to bring about, say ...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Discjuggler Keeps Telling Me To Reboot
First the heat and now the rain ... total there are always things that affect climate worms. The good news is that rain can serve you for the worm, but you have to dip a little if you do not bring umbrella.
One of the things you have is rain water that is ideal for the earthworms. Unlike the one you use, especially if running water is totally pure rain. Sure you can bring some of the little things that we threw to the air, but well, that we can not avoid.
However, the fact that you leave your cribs Vermiculture uncovered a while ago with clean water and as they like. In addition, the worms are "programmed " to be born when it's raining (that's his natural life cycle), so you're not doing any harm.
If you do, just remember that the cradles of Vermiculture are very "soft " for rain, so, if large droplets, you can leave a minefield for worms. The simplest ways to avoid this is to use newspaper (even looks like they did for worm). Just put it as cover and let it be. When wet, the newspaper will pass the water, but absorb the " shock "of large water drops.
The best is to use mosquito netting. It's more work but just need to put as cover a few inches of Vermiculture. Drops, falling, almost exploding, dropping a spray to give everything to earthworms and highly oxygenated water that did not complain that they lack air.
Finally, we must use the rain for something, not just as an excuse to be at home watching TV. If you're going to start a new Vermiculture, that's better than letting the rain soak your new material and have colonies of bacteria to multiply much more.
Well, I can not do anything else for these worms, I'll to watch TV ...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Whatformula Does Wic Give
La Mosca Soldado, A Tenant More Cradle Of Worms In Your Care With
When you do the worm, get a bunch of little animals, attracted by the trash that you put the worms. Although the vast majority do not affect your Vermiculture, it can become a problem if they become a pest, the only ones who want them to be pests are worms.
Finally, one of the nosy you'll see in your lombricario are soldier fly larvae. These are similar to larvae of flies (I assume you've seen them) and do nothing damage to compete for food. The soldier fly larvae have some advantages:
However, the fly soldier has a problem and competition for food. Unlike earthworms, which are slow, the fly is very aggressive soldier for food and the worms are normally kept on the sidelines.
This can lead to your worms will starve or emigrate for lack of food, especially if you let all the new food very much in the area. Not good. It is noteworthy that flies are not so bad, do not carry parasites like the others and, in some places, have been considered as an alternative to process organic waste . Will not know how those waves, but it is worth having more options, especially if you are quick to process and can serve as food for other animals.
Finally, the soldier fly can become a problem, but it is relatively easy to solve:
bury more food. The soldier fly larvae are more superficial than the worms. When I dig in cribs rarely find myself soldier fly larvae in the background, the vast majority are on the surface.
Cover your crib. The adult is relatively large, if you cover your bed with mosquito netting or something, can not lay eggs. Moreover can, but you want, so things are. Stir
your Vermiculture material. Although many people say they do not stir the material because the worms are stressed, I think it's more stress than they are about your eating larvotas food. When you stop stirring all the food ready for earthworms in areas where they can achieve and there is no problem with you being starved as larvae eat just what was up.
The soldier fly is not harmful but it can be a problem. This is presented (at least in my case) when you include plenty of fruit in the birthplace of worms. It is best to cover your cradle and prevent the larvae are given canned.
Sure you can put a "cradle" of soldiers, you more or less the same as a cradle of worm, but worms (worm but would not be good, here you can buy "quesadillas" potato ...) . If you arrive the solder, will eat all the fruit and leave you ready material for your worms. Do not wait years for the compost.
soldier flies need a dark, dry Lugas pupating, so I just Put a ladder to the edge of his crib and leave alone. A full swing, right?
The larvae of many things will always be part of the biomass of your Vermiculture, so you have to learn to identify and live with them. Although it has a while, I leave a post, Mosca Soldado To Aquaponics, with a picture of soldier fly larvae and a perspective from aquaponics.
When you do the worm, get a bunch of little animals, attracted by the trash that you put the worms. Although the vast majority do not affect your Vermiculture, it can become a problem if they become a pest, the only ones who want them to be pests are worms.
Finally, one of the nosy you'll see in your lombricario are soldier fly larvae. These are similar to larvae of flies (I assume you've seen them) and do nothing damage to compete for food. The soldier fly larvae have some advantages:
- They eat food that is not yet ready to earthworms
- Worms can take advantage of their stool (Yuk!, But you want, they like the food " processed ")
- If I put a" ladder "was out alone in the cradle of worms
- Adults will get to jump to the flies, so when there are fewer soldiers present.
However, the fly soldier has a problem and competition for food. Unlike earthworms, which are slow, the fly is very aggressive soldier for food and the worms are normally kept on the sidelines.
This can lead to your worms will starve or emigrate for lack of food, especially if you let all the new food very much in the area. Not good. It is noteworthy that flies are not so bad, do not carry parasites like the others and, in some places, have been considered as an alternative to process organic waste . Will not know how those waves, but it is worth having more options, especially if you are quick to process and can serve as food for other animals.
Finally, the soldier fly can become a problem, but it is relatively easy to solve:
bury more food. The soldier fly larvae are more superficial than the worms. When I dig in cribs rarely find myself soldier fly larvae in the background, the vast majority are on the surface.
Cover your crib. The adult is relatively large, if you cover your bed with mosquito netting or something, can not lay eggs. Moreover can, but you want, so things are. Stir
your Vermiculture material. Although many people say they do not stir the material because the worms are stressed, I think it's more stress than they are about your eating larvotas food. When you stop stirring all the food ready for earthworms in areas where they can achieve and there is no problem with you being starved as larvae eat just what was up.
The soldier fly is not harmful but it can be a problem. This is presented (at least in my case) when you include plenty of fruit in the birthplace of worms. It is best to cover your cradle and prevent the larvae are given canned.
Sure you can put a "cradle" of soldiers, you more or less the same as a cradle of worm, but worms (worm but would not be good, here you can buy "quesadillas" potato ...) . If you arrive the solder, will eat all the fruit and leave you ready material for your worms. Do not wait years for the compost.
soldier flies need a dark, dry Lugas pupating, so I just Put a ladder to the edge of his crib and leave alone. A full swing, right?
The larvae of many things will always be part of the biomass of your Vermiculture, so you have to learn to identify and live with them. Although it has a while, I leave a post, Mosca Soldado To Aquaponics, with a picture of soldier fly larvae and a perspective from aquaponics.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How To Get 12 Puffles Without Being Amember
One of the things to watch in the worm is temperature. Although the worms endure a very comfortable range, cold or intense heat affect your lifestyle, to the point of stopping them. Normally the cold is the most that can affect your worms, because it is complicated to have them inside your home when you are freezing outside. Heat as it is more manageable, you just need to put your Vermiculture in the shade and it will stand quietly.
However, my nephew of 6 years I taught an important lesson. It saw my worms and wanted to have one for him. As I am a guy in full swing, I gave some to begin to see the worm, which best seen from the kid, but his first experience was a little sad. As we are scratching around 44 degrees Celsius during the day, the heat is quite entertaining.
Although I gave the boat was in the shade during the day there was a time when direct sun gave a section of the boat. This made the interior practically cook, so all the worms I gave her life passed away. No way, you have to start again, but I think it is important to mention this: the younger your Vermiculture, the faster it will affected by temperature.
My containers are large, but still had a loss when it dropped an umbrella that covered and there was no one at home (for the moment I'm working out of town). This led to the interior of the tanks almost boiling and remain warm for long. Change ... bastantitas lost, but hey, the point is that the container's size made it not so serious the matter, always had a bit where you could cool.
The problem is that if you have a few worms and a small container, you'd better have it well protected. The sun can take all day to heat mine up make them dangerous for the worm, but yours can be heated up to do a death trap in less than an hour.
not hurt to take this if you have a few worms and a small container. The worm can not give much, but when it does, beware of the consequences ...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Average Longevity Of A Stick Of Deodorant
Heat Marketing: Presentation
In the last entry you can dress like promote your home Vermiculture ; well and you're doing or not, but you'll see that it works and works quite well.
Since you know how to promote your Vermiculture, it's time to see how to present your products to your prospective clients worm. I say likely because whoever comes to ask directly that wave with the worms and humus, you normally purchase. It is good that you know, whether heard, for you or watching your plants.
Before continuing, remember this is for home worm, facilities for commercial vermiculture have another situation.
The presentation of humus, whether liquid or solid, should be in small quantities. Many believe that the best thing is to have a lot and sell it by volume, but the reality is that, for quantities that can occur with the worm home, sold by volume takes you to lose money. Sell \u200b\u200b
volume means selling cheap. A commercial facility can do it because it produces a lot and is interested in getting rid of that inventory. As I produce little, it's best to sell a few bags faces, someone to cook so I buy low and leaves me with nothing.
For example, if you have 20 kilos of humus, well you can sell a kilo bag 1 to $ 2 (or more, depending on how much greed for you.) Someone can come in and tell you to buy everything, but to .50 per kilo. It's good because you sell everything at once, but you lose a good.
I never sell by volume. I do not care to get rid of a few bags that just I take up space in the house. Better I hope to sell all those bags at a time, after all, between now and get back to having humus will spend a few months. Of course I have friends who then want to take a lot and I can not say no, but usually I avoid it. Not only can you earn more, but you can make more customers.
There are people who are looking for and to me it makes me sad because I have to give. A couple of bags of humus go like water, sometimes even I run out humus for my plants. In short, I sell small quantities and they earn more. Same and see that the volume is good and gives you to do business worm, but that is another thing.
The worms, you can sell in any container plastic (I use cans of a kilo of yogurt or butter), while the lid has holes so you can enter the air. Just do not let him in the dark because they can get. The idea is to sell a kilo of worms with humus.
course will not be a kilo of pure worm, but the bacteria in the humus and buds that are worth the price there.
course you can make hunting the worms one by one, but that's a lot of work and if you do, you better cash it right.
You see, in the worm home, what little is good, as I mentioned in last entry, there is no way to beat the business premises, crushed you dying of laughter. Here, Vermiculture products you are focused on two very specific market niches: the "green" and "organic." You've probably seen stories of artists who "just use spring water" or "only drink milk from cows fed native grass."
These people are willing to buy your product because, unlike others, we can see. My friends know my process, you know where I have worms and I know they are eating. The confidence they have in my make sell them a breeze. They want it, I have it is good product, everybody wins. That gives you the opportunity to sell your product more expensive than the super.
So promote your Vermiculture and have small presentations. Do not waste your time with people who complain about the price, I never under anything. If you do not want the mine to buy MiracleGro or something else. I leave my products for those who want the natural and know the difference. So they are happy and me too.
course this is just an idea, you will know what is best for you, as I mentioned in an entry in this series, in vermiculture home, we all have different circumstances.
Finally, put your worms to work and make you stay, free food Enough! Well, here ends my series of marketing home vermiculture. If you think otherwise, set it to comment, on balance, this is it.
In the last entry you can dress like promote your home Vermiculture ; well and you're doing or not, but you'll see that it works and works quite well.
Since you know how to promote your Vermiculture, it's time to see how to present your products to your prospective clients worm. I say likely because whoever comes to ask directly that wave with the worms and humus, you normally purchase. It is good that you know, whether heard, for you or watching your plants.
Before continuing, remember this is for home worm, facilities for commercial vermiculture have another situation.
The presentation of humus, whether liquid or solid, should be in small quantities. Many believe that the best thing is to have a lot and sell it by volume, but the reality is that, for quantities that can occur with the worm home, sold by volume takes you to lose money. Sell \u200b\u200b
volume means selling cheap. A commercial facility can do it because it produces a lot and is interested in getting rid of that inventory. As I produce little, it's best to sell a few bags faces, someone to cook so I buy low and leaves me with nothing.
For example, if you have 20 kilos of humus, well you can sell a kilo bag 1 to $ 2 (or more, depending on how much greed for you.) Someone can come in and tell you to buy everything, but to .50 per kilo. It's good because you sell everything at once, but you lose a good.
I never sell by volume. I do not care to get rid of a few bags that just I take up space in the house. Better I hope to sell all those bags at a time, after all, between now and get back to having humus will spend a few months. Of course I have friends who then want to take a lot and I can not say no, but usually I avoid it. Not only can you earn more, but you can make more customers.
There are people who are looking for and to me it makes me sad because I have to give. A couple of bags of humus go like water, sometimes even I run out humus for my plants. In short, I sell small quantities and they earn more. Same and see that the volume is good and gives you to do business worm, but that is another thing.
The worms, you can sell in any container plastic (I use cans of a kilo of yogurt or butter), while the lid has holes so you can enter the air. Just do not let him in the dark because they can get. The idea is to sell a kilo of worms with humus.
course will not be a kilo of pure worm, but the bacteria in the humus and buds that are worth the price there.
course you can make hunting the worms one by one, but that's a lot of work and if you do, you better cash it right.
You see, in the worm home, what little is good, as I mentioned in last entry, there is no way to beat the business premises, crushed you dying of laughter. Here, Vermiculture products you are focused on two very specific market niches: the "green" and "organic." You've probably seen stories of artists who "just use spring water" or "only drink milk from cows fed native grass."
These people are willing to buy your product because, unlike others, we can see. My friends know my process, you know where I have worms and I know they are eating. The confidence they have in my make sell them a breeze. They want it, I have it is good product, everybody wins. That gives you the opportunity to sell your product more expensive than the super.
So promote your Vermiculture and have small presentations. Do not waste your time with people who complain about the price, I never under anything. If you do not want the mine to buy MiracleGro or something else. I leave my products for those who want the natural and know the difference. So they are happy and me too.
course this is just an idea, you will know what is best for you, as I mentioned in an entry in this series, in vermiculture home, we all have different circumstances.
Finally, put your worms to work and make you stay, free food Enough! Well, here ends my series of marketing home vermiculture. If you think otherwise, set it to comment, on balance, this is it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Yellow Pee While Pregnant
Marketing: How to Promote La Casera
Now comes the good ... If you already have the products and you have your operation seriously, how do you sell that? At first, there are a few things to consider:
can not compete with commercial facilities. At this point, I consider myself pretty good with worms. I can raise them, play them, them out a lot of products, make people dance and talk English. Well, the last two did not, but the point is that any commercial facility worm, however humble, I would make small pieces and I would feed your worms. I have neither the space nor the volume to even tickle.
not sell all year. At least not here. With temperatures of 4 degrees Celsius in winter, there's hardly any people who want to grow, as well as the worms are warm and ball made me want to go on strike if put to work. This is a matter of time.
is an extra income. I have touched some people who want to make worm to be your primary source income, but that is talking about a commercial Vermiculture. The Vermiculture home, by their nature, do not give you enough to live it.
And with that, now the interesting thing: how to commercialize?
installation in a home worm, better and more profitable to sell at retail. As I mentioned earlier, there is no way to beat trade humus producers. It is noteworthy that this is not bad, the retail gives you excellent value and is a matter of cash, no bills, loans or rolls of those. Moreover, you keep all the profits.
So, first of all, you have to advertise. Go to your local television, pay chorrocientosmil campaign dollars or can be more subtle. All he sells are the results. For example, give a ride to this post a while ago, a comparison humus soil against . You see there, the comparison makes the difference.
Put two pots and one uses the humus and other land in the plain little. Among your neighbors and friends, shows the difference and say why. Anyone with a garden or potted plants, you'll want your product. The best part is that yours is organic humus and craft, so you can sell anything you want. I recommend you check the prices on the market and put in your harvest. After all, if you want plants nice, they pay. Not many suppliers of organic humus.
In the case of the homemade worm, simply spread the word. I have touched many people who see my stuff and always ask "is there" or "your plants look good." The worm is a bizarre and arouses curiosity among the people, whether or not to buy, but remains in the mind. That person, when you see a friend or acquaintance you have plants, you can remember and tell about your plants are beautiful and you make your own compost.
there who told me I'm crazy, but most are curious about and everything is there. The idea is that I promotion in your neighborhood. The worm home gives you only a certain amount of humus and is sufficient to sell a small number of people, for example, among your neighbors and acquaintances.
There are other ways, but this is the one I use and that any lombricultor home can handle without much trouble. Just talk with neighbors and show your results, preferably in front of your home. Everyone likes a beautiful garden and if you give them your "secret" to have something similar, some would want to buy.
Although there are other ways of promoting yourself, this is the most effective in terms of cost, because you do not spend anything and sales that do not require delivery, travel or anything special. Engagement with higher sales volume or selling to stores is a labor for commercial vermiculture and other factors entering hardly going to be able to handle as a landlord.
In the next post you'll see some pricing strategies and presentation.
Now comes the good ... If you already have the products and you have your operation seriously, how do you sell that? At first, there are a few things to consider:
can not compete with commercial facilities. At this point, I consider myself pretty good with worms. I can raise them, play them, them out a lot of products, make people dance and talk English. Well, the last two did not, but the point is that any commercial facility worm, however humble, I would make small pieces and I would feed your worms. I have neither the space nor the volume to even tickle.
not sell all year. At least not here. With temperatures of 4 degrees Celsius in winter, there's hardly any people who want to grow, as well as the worms are warm and ball made me want to go on strike if put to work. This is a matter of time.
is an extra income. I have touched some people who want to make worm to be your primary source income, but that is talking about a commercial Vermiculture. The Vermiculture home, by their nature, do not give you enough to live it.
And with that, now the interesting thing: how to commercialize?
installation in a home worm, better and more profitable to sell at retail. As I mentioned earlier, there is no way to beat trade humus producers. It is noteworthy that this is not bad, the retail gives you excellent value and is a matter of cash, no bills, loans or rolls of those. Moreover, you keep all the profits.
So, first of all, you have to advertise. Go to your local television, pay chorrocientosmil campaign dollars or can be more subtle. All he sells are the results. For example, give a ride to this post a while ago, a comparison humus soil against . You see there, the comparison makes the difference.
Put two pots and one uses the humus and other land in the plain little. Among your neighbors and friends, shows the difference and say why. Anyone with a garden or potted plants, you'll want your product. The best part is that yours is organic humus and craft, so you can sell anything you want. I recommend you check the prices on the market and put in your harvest. After all, if you want plants nice, they pay. Not many suppliers of organic humus.
In the case of the homemade worm, simply spread the word. I have touched many people who see my stuff and always ask "is there" or "your plants look good." The worm is a bizarre and arouses curiosity among the people, whether or not to buy, but remains in the mind. That person, when you see a friend or acquaintance you have plants, you can remember and tell about your plants are beautiful and you make your own compost.
there who told me I'm crazy, but most are curious about and everything is there. The idea is that I promotion in your neighborhood. The worm home gives you only a certain amount of humus and is sufficient to sell a small number of people, for example, among your neighbors and acquaintances.
There are other ways, but this is the one I use and that any lombricultor home can handle without much trouble. Just talk with neighbors and show your results, preferably in front of your home. Everyone likes a beautiful garden and if you give them your "secret" to have something similar, some would want to buy.
Although there are other ways of promoting yourself, this is the most effective in terms of cost, because you do not spend anything and sales that do not require delivery, travel or anything special. Engagement with higher sales volume or selling to stores is a labor for commercial vermiculture and other factors entering hardly going to be able to handle as a landlord.
In the next post you'll see some pricing strategies and presentation.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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Lombricultura Marketing: From Products sells
In the previous entry ( sells The Vermiculture: Preparation ), I commented about what you need to know before you can sell a residential installation.
In this post you'll see the products you can get a home vermiculture installation, even if they seem obvious, you might see some you will not have occurred.
Humus. Probably any vermiculture facility produces and one of the best fertilizer in the world, especially because it is as natural as what you feed the worms. It is well known but it is relatively difficult to implement when compared to other things. Here we must mention that there humus "live" humus "dead."
Worms. Although here (Mexico) do not see used very often, can sell the excess worms, you'll always have when you worm, unless you tell them not having their affair, but I do not think they'll do case. The worms can be used to fish, feeding them to exotic and not so exotic as turtles, mice, lizards, frogs, fish and lots of other things. All these animals are eaten with gusto and worms are a great source of protein and Omega 3. Also you can eat the you, but since there are not many who dare ...
Waste management. Although more for vermiculture facilities with sufficient capacity, you can offer to give you their ecological organic waste, after giving them a dizzying roll of why it is good to recycle. That gives you food for your worms and you can even charge for the trash, only to have to go to pick it up and look out for that not come anything that could hurt your worms. I do not like it, but it is another option.
Education. If you become a master of worm, it can charge for giving courses or something. Although not many people with an interest here (again, Mexico) to pay, is another option.
You see, there are many other ways to get some wool to the worm, but when you have something small is difficult to please everyone. Finally, you can consider these ways to get money from the worm and in the next post you'll see some ways to market it.
In the previous entry ( sells The Vermiculture: Preparation ), I commented about what you need to know before you can sell a residential installation.
In this post you'll see the products you can get a home vermiculture installation, even if they seem obvious, you might see some you will not have occurred.
Humus. Probably any vermiculture facility produces and one of the best fertilizer in the world, especially because it is as natural as what you feed the worms. It is well known but it is relatively difficult to implement when compared to other things. Here we must mention that there humus "live" humus "dead."
- Humus vivo. It contains beneficial bacteria, organic matter decomposition and probably some worms and cocoons. This can be used to retrieve soil, especially in gardens with parts "fresh", where there is permanent shadow (shrubs, ornamental plants large leaves). When properly implemented, can get a garden "alive." It is not good in direct sunlight because the worms die, the bacteria and are born containing seeds or spores. Humus
- "not alive." This is processed to have nothing live, either sunny or additional heat. This is most commonly you can get at the supermarket and, while it gives you minerals and consistency, it provides no bacteria or anything additional. Easier to implement than the previous one, because no matter where you put it. Humus
Worms. Although here (Mexico) do not see used very often, can sell the excess worms, you'll always have when you worm, unless you tell them not having their affair, but I do not think they'll do case. The worms can be used to fish, feeding them to exotic and not so exotic as turtles, mice, lizards, frogs, fish and lots of other things. All these animals are eaten with gusto and worms are a great source of protein and Omega 3. Also you can eat the you, but since there are not many who dare ...
Waste management. Although more for vermiculture facilities with sufficient capacity, you can offer to give you their ecological organic waste, after giving them a dizzying roll of why it is good to recycle. That gives you food for your worms and you can even charge for the trash, only to have to go to pick it up and look out for that not come anything that could hurt your worms. I do not like it, but it is another option.
Education. If you become a master of worm, it can charge for giving courses or something. Although not many people with an interest here (again, Mexico) to pay, is another option.
You see, there are many other ways to get some wool to the worm, but when you have something small is difficult to please everyone. Finally, you can consider these ways to get money from the worm and in the next post you'll see some ways to market it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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Vermiculture The Vermiculture: Preparation
In places where we talk about worm, many messages are on the market. Well, who would not want to turn trash into cash? It would be something like the Sorcerer's Stone (not Harry Potter), who turned lead into gold. However, once you get to the worms and feed them, a result that does not get the wool as perhaps expected. Here the issue is to have a strategy and see where you are.
As I have been asked several times and it occurred to me anything to write, put a series dedicated to pure marketing. Only with the addition of my blog is a worm home, many of the things I put here would not apply to a commercial facility for the production of humus and worms.
To give an example, I'll start with me. I produce little. I have no space and I live in the city, so many of my worms will feed the fish (I have an installation acuapónica), the Machiavellian use in experiments and the humus is usually going to my plants for organic farming. However, I also made money with this, in fact, I have been wrong with my clients because they just hummus and I have to sell ... In short, I have a home installation which is based on my garbage and sell the excess humus.
In my case, is not exactly a business, but could be if I had the time and a little more space to do so. The point here is that you have to take stock of your circumstances. In home installations, NO is like another, we all have certain things that lead us to do things differently.
So begins your current situation. We must remove some things like
Facilities. For a Vermiculture, you need a place to live earthworms, are comfortable and allows you to work. If you're in the worm, you probably already have with this, otherwise there you need to do and how you can invest in this.
fixed costs. In home vermiculture facilities, major fixed costs are water, food and lime, if you use it. Everything else is costly, the containers have a shelf life and do not require anything in particular until they fall apart. Depending on your installation, electrical energy may also be a cost, but not very common.
Labour. Ugh ... But hey, someone has to. Usually not a lot of work driving home vermiculture facility, but no longer something that takes time or money, if to hire someone. However, in the case of a residential installation, you can work as a cost to zero. If you meddle as accounting, may have a cost, but the reality is that unless you pay someone, do not have, on balance, anyway you do it for free.
Production. Here we must draw the worms as they eat a certain amount of time. A rule of thumb, a worm eats its body weight per day, so if you have a kilo of worms, are supposed to eat a kilo of food. The reality is that it goes well, the worm humus recycles itself, leave things that are not yet ready for consumption and dedicate part of their chacotear time with the other worms to lombricitas. I would say that 80% would be more realistic, so that for every kilo, consumed 800 grams of food. With this you can get more or less a certain amount of humus you have available, but it is best to try.
What are your expectations of this as a business? If at home, you have some, because, for all practical purposes, everything that comes out is profit. Why? Just think about it. In itself, we worm home to recycle, not so much to make money. Use the compost in your garden is a source of pride and happiness to see beautiful plants, but not necessarily income. If it anyway Free make any money there is fall in extra income.
In the next post you'll see that you can sell your worms. As I mentioned earlier, this series is focused on home vermiculture facilities.
In places where we talk about worm, many messages are on the market. Well, who would not want to turn trash into cash? It would be something like the Sorcerer's Stone (not Harry Potter), who turned lead into gold. However, once you get to the worms and feed them, a result that does not get the wool as perhaps expected. Here the issue is to have a strategy and see where you are.
As I have been asked several times and it occurred to me anything to write, put a series dedicated to pure marketing. Only with the addition of my blog is a worm home, many of the things I put here would not apply to a commercial facility for the production of humus and worms.
To give an example, I'll start with me. I produce little. I have no space and I live in the city, so many of my worms will feed the fish (I have an installation acuapónica), the Machiavellian use in experiments and the humus is usually going to my plants for organic farming. However, I also made money with this, in fact, I have been wrong with my clients because they just hummus and I have to sell ... In short, I have a home installation which is based on my garbage and sell the excess humus.
In my case, is not exactly a business, but could be if I had the time and a little more space to do so. The point here is that you have to take stock of your circumstances. In home installations, NO is like another, we all have certain things that lead us to do things differently.
So begins your current situation. We must remove some things like
Facilities. For a Vermiculture, you need a place to live earthworms, are comfortable and allows you to work. If you're in the worm, you probably already have with this, otherwise there you need to do and how you can invest in this.
fixed costs. In home vermiculture facilities, major fixed costs are water, food and lime, if you use it. Everything else is costly, the containers have a shelf life and do not require anything in particular until they fall apart. Depending on your installation, electrical energy may also be a cost, but not very common.
Labour. Ugh ... But hey, someone has to. Usually not a lot of work driving home vermiculture facility, but no longer something that takes time or money, if to hire someone. However, in the case of a residential installation, you can work as a cost to zero. If you meddle as accounting, may have a cost, but the reality is that unless you pay someone, do not have, on balance, anyway you do it for free.
Production. Here we must draw the worms as they eat a certain amount of time. A rule of thumb, a worm eats its body weight per day, so if you have a kilo of worms, are supposed to eat a kilo of food. The reality is that it goes well, the worm humus recycles itself, leave things that are not yet ready for consumption and dedicate part of their chacotear time with the other worms to lombricitas. I would say that 80% would be more realistic, so that for every kilo, consumed 800 grams of food. With this you can get more or less a certain amount of humus you have available, but it is best to try.
What are your expectations of this as a business? If at home, you have some, because, for all practical purposes, everything that comes out is profit. Why? Just think about it. In itself, we worm home to recycle, not so much to make money. Use the compost in your garden is a source of pride and happiness to see beautiful plants, but not necessarily income. If it anyway Free make any money there is fall in extra income.
In the next post you'll see that you can sell your worms. As I mentioned earlier, this series is focused on home vermiculture facilities.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
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different qualities in Orange
change ... over a month with nothing ... Anyway, I grabbed for a project and I had no time to see the worms. The good thing is that they do not complain and, while still leaving household waste, will be happy. That's why I like worms, so can not give.
Today I just want to make a short comment about the quality of humus. This is closely related to what the worms eat and how it is given. By "tradition" like me who like worms, there is a tendency to think that the worm compost, either, is the best thing on earth and the thing is that it is not.
Like all good and there is humus humus crappy, there are commercial vermiculture home with their own food formulas to be, relatively accurately, quantities of each nutrient that plants use. He once spent a program about earthworms where it changes their color.
Well, the joke is that when you do all home, know exactly how you will exit the humus is practically impossible. We use many organic wastes no pattern, really is what we want and now. One day you throw them all perfect and other days not giving them anything because they called pizza and ate it all and neither the board left.
The homemade hummus, made with organic waste, has, in my experience, a number of medium to high, depending on food. This is because the worms have a "balanced diet" with a lot of things, so more or less get something decent.
worms in commercial vermicomposting facilities, who spend consuming manure, humus produce excellent, because the composition of what they eat. So far, I've always seen that the humus of commercial facilities is better than home.
Finally, the compost made of pure paper and newspaper, it's pretty crappy, barely above the potting soil. Nor can you ask a lot, poor worms ate pure ink, so they can not get much quality.
This may sound medium to discouragement for you if you want to start a Vermiculture, but the reality is no. The worms are basically to process your trash, so that the humus is almost a gift. Also, if you eat well, you might have a quality humus. The only one I've seen that really is bad is the newspaper pure humus, but hopefully you're not thinking about them just that. Feed them well and
surely have very good results.
change ... over a month with nothing ... Anyway, I grabbed for a project and I had no time to see the worms. The good thing is that they do not complain and, while still leaving household waste, will be happy. That's why I like worms, so can not give.
Today I just want to make a short comment about the quality of humus. This is closely related to what the worms eat and how it is given. By "tradition" like me who like worms, there is a tendency to think that the worm compost, either, is the best thing on earth and the thing is that it is not.
Like all good and there is humus humus crappy, there are commercial vermiculture home with their own food formulas to be, relatively accurately, quantities of each nutrient that plants use. He once spent a program about earthworms where it changes their color.
Well, the joke is that when you do all home, know exactly how you will exit the humus is practically impossible. We use many organic wastes no pattern, really is what we want and now. One day you throw them all perfect and other days not giving them anything because they called pizza and ate it all and neither the board left.
The homemade hummus, made with organic waste, has, in my experience, a number of medium to high, depending on food. This is because the worms have a "balanced diet" with a lot of things, so more or less get something decent.
worms in commercial vermicomposting facilities, who spend consuming manure, humus produce excellent, because the composition of what they eat. So far, I've always seen that the humus of commercial facilities is better than home.
Finally, the compost made of pure paper and newspaper, it's pretty crappy, barely above the potting soil. Nor can you ask a lot, poor worms ate pure ink, so they can not get much quality.
This may sound medium to discouragement for you if you want to start a Vermiculture, but the reality is no. The worms are basically to process your trash, so that the humus is almost a gift. Also, if you eat well, you might have a quality humus. The only one I've seen that really is bad is the newspaper pure humus, but hopefully you're not thinking about them just that. Feed them well and
surely have very good results.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pierwsza Milosconline
Financing for Companies
These are some of the financing formulas commonly accepted in the business world, and greater use in commercial relations between companies and financial institutions:
These are some of the financing formulas commonly accepted in the business world, and greater use in commercial relations between companies and financial institutions:
- Leasing (or lease with option to buy)
- Renting (or lease without option to buy)
- Factoring Confirming
- Commercial discount loans
- Appropriations
- Commercial paper
- Forward Financial Options
- Swap
- ICO financing lines
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Renting Leasing
Leasing is a financing formula through which and by a contract called for lease, the lessee enjoys a movable or property, and therefore enjoys its exploitation in the form of rent, can exercise a call option on those goods, at the end of the contract and the amount is usually identical to a fee. In return, the tenant agrees to pay a fixed recurring fees normally (same amount), and including part of the cost of the goods in cash, plus interest for funding.
Leasing can be considered as operating leases , if once the period of the lease, the lessee chooses to exercise the purchase option, but seeks a new asset on which you sign a new lease.
contrast, leasing can be considered as a financial leasing , if at the end of the contract, the lessee exercises the purchase option, and therefore has since that time, the full legal title to the property .
funding is a medium to long term. The most common time to sign a lease transaction are generally between 18 and 48 months.
Leasing is a financing more accessible to small and medium businesses that conventional bank credit, as the lessor reserves the right of control over them (the ownership of the asset).
Leasing practice usually financed all or a very high price of the goods.
Who does it:
leasing operations can only be made by:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Specialised credit.
Leasing is a financing formula through which and by a contract called for lease, the lessee enjoys a movable or property, and therefore enjoys its exploitation in the form of rent, can exercise a call option on those goods, at the end of the contract and the amount is usually identical to a fee. In return, the tenant agrees to pay a fixed recurring fees normally (same amount), and including part of the cost of the goods in cash, plus interest for funding.
Leasing can be considered as operating leases , if once the period of the lease, the lessee chooses to exercise the purchase option, but seeks a new asset on which you sign a new lease.
contrast, leasing can be considered as a financial leasing , if at the end of the contract, the lessee exercises the purchase option, and therefore has since that time, the full legal title to the property .
funding is a medium to long term. The most common time to sign a lease transaction are generally between 18 and 48 months.
Leasing is a financing more accessible to small and medium businesses that conventional bank credit, as the lessor reserves the right of control over them (the ownership of the asset).
Leasing practice usually financed all or a very high price of the goods.
Who does it:
leasing operations can only be made by:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Specialised credit.
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The lease is the rental of property to a variable term as a contract between the parties, through which and by paying a fee, the beneficiary enjoys the use of good , run by the owner (lessor), the maintenance costs of the rented object, and whose expenses are part of the rental fee, although they are not broken down in that quota.
At the end of the lease, the tenant must reimburse the property to the lessor. Normally the landlord will generally sell the property once the lease contract, which has previously been his tenant, to a market price, after deducting the depreciation of the asset. This sale is no longer part of the lease, but legally constitute a contract of sale unrelated to the first.
The lease is often used as a model of short-term financing.
Lessee neglects the costs of maintenance of the property, as borne by the landlord.
Once the lease, it tends to keep the market price, which far exceeds the amount of the lease payment.
Who does it:
leasing operations can only be made by:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Specialised credit.
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Factoring is the assignment of the receivables, held to a financial intermediary, on the debts of the company's customers at a price specified in the contract. The financial institution (factoring company) is responsible for the payment of that debt as being the creditor of the client of the firm, while the financial institution will advance the amount of the debt to the company with which he signed the contract.
Basically, users of factoring companies are as follows:
- Companies that are expanding, and show a rapid development.
- Companies with non-perishable products and the sale of which is repetitive.
- Companies supplying public bodies and governments.
- Companies that do not have a department organized for the management of credit and collections.
Factoring allows you to receive the amount of customer debt, after deducting the agreed financial cost to the factoring company. This funding formula allows for maximum mobilization of the portfolio of receivables and Therefore, the company guarantees the payment of those debts, so that in case of default by the customer, the hurt will the factoring company and not the company itself.
of accounting, from the time sold the customer base, reduce your debt balance, since this operation is no financial risk to the beneficiary.
By factoring, the author goes to collect the cash the amount invoiced to customers (this amount is the one that settles the factoring company).
This funding formula is expensive, being the interest rate, higher than that obtained by traditional trade discounts.
Often excluded from such transactions, customer sales and perishable products and those made to long term.
Who does it:
factoring operations can only be made by financial institutions or credit, ie by:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Credit Unions.
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Discount Factoring Confirming commercial
confirming what is?
Confirming is a service provided by a financial institution to its customer, and that is to manage the payments of the company (the customer) to its suppliers, giving the latter the possibility of charging your bills before the due date. In return, the supplier must meet the company confirming the interest rate for the cost of financing.
confirming specifics
The advantages for the client (the company that has made purchases from their suppliers) are as follows:
- have managed their payments.
- This form of financing is a financing system in addition to the other formulas available to the company.
The advantages for the vendor (seller), are:
- Cobra bills advance (in exchange of financing costs).
- Get complete and detailed information about bills to be paid.
Who does it?
confirming operations can only be made by financial institutions or credit:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Credit Unions.
confirming what is?
Confirming is a service provided by a financial institution to its customer, and that is to manage the payments of the company (the customer) to its suppliers, giving the latter the possibility of charging your bills before the due date. In return, the supplier must meet the company confirming the interest rate for the cost of financing.
confirming specifics
The advantages for the client (the company that has made purchases from their suppliers) are as follows:
- have managed their payments.
- This form of financing is a financing system in addition to the other formulas available to the company.
The advantages for the vendor (seller), are:
- Cobra bills advance (in exchange of financing costs).
- Get complete and detailed information about bills to be paid.
Who does it?
confirming operations can only be made by financial institutions or credit:
- Banking.
- Savings.
- Credit Unions.
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What is the trade discount?
The trade discount is the financial transaction through which the beneficiary receives the amount of evidence (usually a bill of exchange) on a non-expired (usually a sale to a customer), net of interest (and fees) agreed with the lender, and which are a function of time between the date of the advance and maturity of the loan.
features commercial off
Thanks to the trade discount, the entity becomes holder of the instrument (usually a bill of exchange), and therefore the holder of the payment of the amount contained in that security, and can submit the required fee to the exchange (the book, which is who is obligated to pay), the due date.
The beneficiary receives the anticipated charges, although in case of insolvency of the debtor, the bank will take action against the beneficiary of the trade discount, to recover the debt, charging him also about the return postage.
The amount paid by the bank as the transaction amount is given by the following equation:
= Nominal Cash - Discount
The nominal is the amount to be deducted, namely the amount of the title, while that is the capital cash is received, after deducting interest and commissions are what is the discount .
Who does it?
commercial operations can be performed by any financial institution.
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What is a loan?
The loan is a transaction whereby one party gives a number to the beneficiary, this formalized through a contract. The beneficiary (lender) agrees to repay the loan principal, plus interest and other expenses arising from this transaction, if any.
If you desire a good tool for calculating shares loan, or simply calculate the mortgage you will pay when you buy some a home, or the fee you will pay to have changed the interest rate, You can download this application in Excel, completely free (must enable macros, it works with macros): Calculate loans.
Loan features
Some types of loans are:
- Policy Loan: This type of financial operations is documented in a loan policy provided by financial institutions themselves. In that policy sets the handing over of a loan, an amount the lender as beneficiary the borrower, clearly indicating the maturity of the operation. The policy can specify additional guarantees, if any, agreed to grant the loan.
- Mortgage: This type of loan, commonly known as mortgage is a loan with collateral right over immovable property, which is implemented through a contract between the parties (lender and borrower). This type of operation is formalized through a public deed before a notary, and registered in the Registry of Property of the town, to take effect.
- Equity loan : This is a loan made by backers of the company. Usually made of venture capital to investee companies.
Equity loans are considered equity (equity), in cases of capital reduction and bankruptcy. For the purposes of classification and presentation in the balance sheet as equity loans are borrowed funds (third).
equity loans often have a long maturity, and can enjoy a long grace period.
Equity loans accrue interest which is in accordance with the results obtained by beneficiary.
usually have a range of enforcement to be subordinated to any other claim or obligation of the borrowing entity, standing right in front of members.
In the event of early repayment of shareholder loans the institution will be obliged to increase its capital by an amount equivalent to the aforementioned amortization, and payment of compensation if any contractually agreed.
Interest accrued equity loans, are considered tax deductible expenses and are subject to a withholding tax (at source), unless the lender is an entity Credit or a nonresident.
Who does it?
general lending operations can be performed by any lender, and equity loans, the shareholders.
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Credit Loan Commercial paper
What is credit?
Credit is a contract whereby a financial institution makes available to the beneficiary of the policy, an amount up to specified limits, during a period of time. In return, the bank regularly receive interest on the amount drawn, and the commission agreed in the contract.
The beneficiary undertakes to repay the amount set forth in the agreed timeframe.
credit usually implies the opening of an account with the bank.
credit features
These are some of the types of credits that can be found in business-to-financial institution:
- Credit Credit checking : Opening a current account Credit is inherent in the policy and are carried along with the signature of the account opening and book applications.
- Credit documentary: This type of loan is used primarily in international trade transactions as a method of financing, providing high security to the seller. With this type of credit, a foreign bank is committed by order of his client (the purchaser of the goods),
to pay, negotiate or accept documents presented to it.
Documentary credits to be classified into:
a) revocable letter of credit: This is one in which after opening and prior to payment, the importer can cancel at any time and will. It is therefore of a credit transaction with a very small collection security.
b) irrevocable letter of credit : It is that once opened and can not be canceled, and therefore guarantees the exporter will collect the sale, provided that the document is correct.
c) confirmed letter of credit: When a third financial institution (usually a major international financial institution) guarantees payment to the exporter, if the customer's bank importer did not.
d) letter of credit sight: When the payment is done cash. As soon as you submit the documentation, the importer's bank proceeds to payment.
e) term letter of credit: When payment is deferred operation, ie when to expect the agreed maturity to receive the amount of the sale, once the documentation has been delivered.
- syndicated loan is a type of operation in which credit is granted several financial institutions at a time, so the financial risk of the operation, in case of default is less than if a single grant entity.
The notes are a financing mechanism that many companies rely
Who does it?
Credit transactions can be performed by any financial institution.
What is credit?
Credit is a contract whereby a financial institution makes available to the beneficiary of the policy, an amount up to specified limits, during a period of time. In return, the bank regularly receive interest on the amount drawn, and the commission agreed in the contract.
The beneficiary undertakes to repay the amount set forth in the agreed timeframe.
credit usually implies the opening of an account with the bank.
credit features
These are some of the types of credits that can be found in business-to-financial institution:
- Credit Credit checking : Opening a current account Credit is inherent in the policy and are carried along with the signature of the account opening and book applications.
- Credit documentary: This type of loan is used primarily in international trade transactions as a method of financing, providing high security to the seller. With this type of credit, a foreign bank is committed by order of his client (the purchaser of the goods),
to pay, negotiate or accept documents presented to it.
Documentary credits to be classified into:
a) revocable letter of credit: This is one in which after opening and prior to payment, the importer can cancel at any time and will. It is therefore of a credit transaction with a very small collection security.
b) irrevocable letter of credit : It is that once opened and can not be canceled, and therefore guarantees the exporter will collect the sale, provided that the document is correct.
c) confirmed letter of credit: When a third financial institution (usually a major international financial institution) guarantees payment to the exporter, if the customer's bank importer did not.
d) letter of credit sight: When the payment is done cash. As soon as you submit the documentation, the importer's bank proceeds to payment.
e) term letter of credit: When payment is deferred operation, ie when to expect the agreed maturity to receive the amount of the sale, once the documentation has been delivered.
- syndicated loan is a type of operation in which credit is granted several financial institutions at a time, so the financial risk of the operation, in case of default is less than if a single grant entity.
The notes are a financing mechanism that many companies rely
Who does it?
Credit transactions can be performed by any financial institution.
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What is commercial paper?
The commercial paper are discounted securities, for which the issuer agrees to pay the beneficiary a certain amount, at maturity specified.
Characteristics of commercial paper
types of notes:
- pay would be (or nonsingular) : The distribution of these notes is done by auction and by periodic tender. Can access them, as investors retailers, such as institutional investors.
- as Notes (or unique) : The form of the award of these notes in the primary market, is by direct negotiation.
The notes are a financing mechanism that many companies rely, in order to finance major investments, acquisitions, and other projects.
Who does it?
Any business entity.
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Forward Swap Options
What is a forward?
is a derivative financial product, through which and by a contract, the contractor agrees to purchase an asset for a specified price on a specified date. The most used forwards, contracts are often fixed income instruments and exchange rates of currencies.
Features fordwards
not require any payment at the time of signing the contract, since the price is fixed both parties by mutual agreement and is payable at a future time.
Upon expiration of the contract there is only one cash flow for a party.
The contract is binding and obliges the parties.
is usually not negotiable after the close of the contract, since there are no secondary markets for the trading of forwards.
risk of the operation can be very high.
Who does it?
Any business entity.
What is a forward?
is a derivative financial product, through which and by a contract, the contractor agrees to purchase an asset for a specified price on a specified date. The most used forwards, contracts are often fixed income instruments and exchange rates of currencies.
Features fordwards
not require any payment at the time of signing the contract, since the price is fixed both parties by mutual agreement and is payable at a future time.
Upon expiration of the contract there is only one cash flow for a party.
The contract is binding and obliges the parties.
is usually not negotiable after the close of the contract, since there are no secondary markets for the trading of forwards.
risk of the operation can be very high.
Who does it?
Any business entity.
How To Do A Wheelie In A Sand Rail
What is an option?
Financial options are a derivative financial instrument to whereby the buyer has the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell an underlying asset (eg shares), at a fixed price in advance, on a specified maturity.
Features options
There are two types of financing options: Option
call (option) : The call options, give your buyer the right (but not the obligation ), to buy the underlying asset at an agreed price (exercise or strike price) on a date specified in the contract. On the contrary, the seller of the call option is always required sell the underlying asset, assuming that the option buyer exercises his right to buy the underlying asset.
For example, buying a call option, is usually performed when the investor provides that actions of a particular listed company, will have an upward trend. The option buyer pays a premium (to get the seller of the option), and reserves the right to buy the shares in the future, but at a price fixed today. If, however, those shares plummet, the buyer does not exercise its option to purchase, and have lost only the premium.
put option (put option) : The put options entitle the buyer, to sell the underlying asset (but not the obligation), at a price fixed in advance, and an agreed deadline. The seller of the put, assumes the obligation to sell, if the buyer exercises his right.
If an investor anticipates that the shares will fall, buy a put option, to guarantee an agreed price (higher than bearish expectations, of course), and in the case of opting for exercising their right , the seller of the put will be obligated to deliver the underlying at the agreed price.
In either case (call or put), the buyer of an option will always pay a premium, it will make him the right to exercise your choice.
Who does it?
Any business entity.
Confirmation Letter About Daughter
What is a swap?
A swap is a financial transaction in which two parties contractually agree to exchange cash flows at a future time.
Characteristics of swaps
It aims to hire this kind of financial derivatives, is largely mitigate any currency fluctuations and / or interest rates. Are often used to avoid the risk associated with granting a loan or credit (eg establishing a fixed rate to avoid severe fluctuations in the rates upward, can lead to insolvency of the debtor) to the underwriting of fixed income or currency exchange rate.
Who does it?
Any business entity.
How High Do You Have To Ollie To Do A Kickflip
What are credit lines ICO?
The Official Credit Institute (ICO) is a state company that acts as a credit institution. Its main function is to fund companies, by granting loans at more advantageous rates than the market, so they can develop their business.
Features plans
ICO ICO acts as financial agent of the state, offering financing and long medium-term business investment projects, even encouraging the financing of strategic sectors, environmental, or carried out by business groups to serve as a motor and a lever for economic development in the country.
The ICO puts the marketing of certain amounts of cash to finance business projects (project progresses, plan live, online liquidity.). ICO plans can be obtained through any financial institution (no need to go directly to the ICO).
Who does it?
The Official Credit Institute (ICO) that acts as independent entity mediating between businesses and financial institutions.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Request For Wholesale Price Letter Sample
Humus! Buy Oranges! Fungi
On one occasion I said about feeding the worms and how they will eat anything that has been alive, just waiting for is sufficiently "processed" by the bacteria to eat.
Yet in vermiculture are foods that are best and others not so. Meat, for example, it stinks, attracts animals and generates a lot of gas. Another is citrus. These have a fairly high level of acidity, which causes bacteria to take much longer to process it.
As I'm new, and apart since I had to write about, I decided to do an experiment with orange peels, to see how much could be done with them. So I put a separate container, got the juice leftover morning along with some volunteers and I let it go.
In short, what happens is this:
worth mentioning that this experiment was made without any additives, only bedding, worms and oranges. Of course I was getting a little to the worms while oranges were ready to have to chew while.
This can be accelerated with agricultural lime or other means to increase the pH and allow the bacteria to act faster, but it will be until the next experiment, which I hope to start this weekend as the next my birthday and I'll be drunk. Thanks
Lu (sauris2005) for the comment and an idea for fun with the worms. I am sure that the power of the worms have an effect on potassium levels, as that done in several facilities to improve the quality of humus. Teach them how it's done! And compared with the same orange to see how much you can accelerate. During the season, pulled a bag of shells every week!
On one occasion I said about feeding the worms and how they will eat anything that has been alive, just waiting for is sufficiently "processed" by the bacteria to eat.
Yet in vermiculture are foods that are best and others not so. Meat, for example, it stinks, attracts animals and generates a lot of gas. Another is citrus. These have a fairly high level of acidity, which causes bacteria to take much longer to process it.
As I'm new, and apart since I had to write about, I decided to do an experiment with orange peels, to see how much could be done with them. So I put a separate container, got the juice leftover morning along with some volunteers and I let it go.
In short, what happens is this:
- organic matter starts to lose their structure (because it is already dead) and softening, both by the action of bacteria such as necrosis.
- action of bacteria, insects and environment involved in the relaxation makes the pH go up or down, depending on the organic matter in question.
- Eventually, the pH is stabilized up to a point of 7 to 8. This is where the bacteria reproduce more quickly, more quickly and destroy all the worms can consume what they've missed
The worms eat oranges, but they will not soon be ready.
worth mentioning that this experiment was made without any additives, only bedding, worms and oranges. Of course I was getting a little to the worms while oranges were ready to have to chew while.
This can be accelerated with agricultural lime or other means to increase the pH and allow the bacteria to act faster, but it will be until the next experiment, which I hope to start this weekend as the next my birthday and I'll be drunk. Thanks
Lu (sauris2005) for the comment and an idea for fun with the worms. I am sure that the power of the worms have an effect on potassium levels, as that done in several facilities to improve the quality of humus. Teach them how it's done! And compared with the same orange to see how much you can accelerate. During the season, pulled a bag of shells every week!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Request Letter To Company For Accommodation
What? And they say that nothing grows in humus ... It is one of many visits you will have in your Vermiculture. Here I always like to say that these fungi are indeed organic. Many people naturally call it "organic agriculture", but the plants do not feed on anything organic. Plants get minerals from the soil and it is they who used to grow.
plants get what they can not do any of the other beings life: energy and convert inert materials into living tissue. Hydroponics technique has great results with vegetables and is completely artificial, using a nutrient solution with artificial fertilizers. If you are using worm castings, which is almost converted into mineral matter, you get closer to nature, but they are truly organic mushrooms.
These, like many others, feeding on organic tissue. In the case of the photo, is what is called a saprophytic, which is a fungus that feeds on decaying material. The bad guys are others that feed on living tissue and can cause you big problems.
Well, the matter is that fungi require light, which feed on organic tissue and only need moisture. So, you Vermiculture is almost done for raising mushrooms. Well, not exactly, the humus is good for raising mushrooms because it is more mineral than organic material, but is the food of the worm which can have what is necessary for the fungus to grow.
saprophytic fungi do not cause any problem in your Vermiculture, just take away some food to the worms, but, if well fed, there is really much of a problem.
fungi have not exactly simple. I have spent many years with earthworms and rarely have fungi. I have not counted, but very few occasions when I have gathered mushrooms. The problem is that none of the fungi has been rich ... and I think risk, a fungus capable hallucinogenic and psychedelic just writing stuff.
Finally, fungi do nothing and if you see one, just chop and be part of the meal. After all, the worms will eat everything that was alive, so no problem.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Burning Sensation In Collarbone
In Humus Humus Liquid Easy Eating
Worm humus found with the worm, is one of the best natural fertilizers in the world, if not the best. Still, he has a small problem: the application.
For the humus to be effective, we must apply it evenly, giving a lot of slack, if done manually, or can only be done before sowing machines. If you already have all grown, you can cause damage to machine.
Finally, the topsoil is good, but struggles to put it when the plants grew. Of course there are ways, but applied to a crop that is already established is not exactly easy.
However, there is the so-called "liquid humus, which has properties similar to humus, but liquid and that gives you many possibilities of application. This humus is concentrated, so it is easy to store and is fully liquid (not floating material) so it passes through sprinklers, hoses or other equipment for irrigation fertilization. You can also apply on a leaf, so you can apply it to crops already established without problems.
downside, the liquid humus serves both to restore soils, since it contains organic matter such as humus traditional, but hey, you want, nobody is perfect.
liquid humus can also be used in other forms of cultivation such as hydroponics, as it has many nutrients. However, hydroponics, liquid humus has a downside: unless you do an analysis when you get it, do not know what proportion of each thing brings.
good thing (in this case), you do not have problems with excess, unlike the commercial fertilizer, you can pour the concentrate and not dry out and the plant, but will always be doubt.
The amount of nutrients present in the humus depends on the power of Vermiculture and therefore may vary according to the techniques used.
In my experience, I saw that the grass "leaf" as lettuce, spinach and similar waves grow well. Results fruit plants may vary according to what is given to the worms and are uncertain results if homemade worm, and you give him the worms coming out of your kitchen, so there is nothing predictable. Make
liquid humus is very easy: you use a part of humus for every 5 of water. For example, if you have 5 buckets of water, add a bucket of humus. Stir until all is dissolved. So you do not run out of arms, put the mulch and wait a couple of hours for the water to penetrate the material. Once more integrated, stir. You have to let a week to settle and mature and extract only the liquid.
This is concentrated, should be diluted in 4 parts water for every 1 of liquid humus. As always, it is best to try something that grows fast to see how he behaves.
Worm humus found with the worm, is one of the best natural fertilizers in the world, if not the best. Still, he has a small problem: the application.
For the humus to be effective, we must apply it evenly, giving a lot of slack, if done manually, or can only be done before sowing machines. If you already have all grown, you can cause damage to machine.
Finally, the topsoil is good, but struggles to put it when the plants grew. Of course there are ways, but applied to a crop that is already established is not exactly easy.
However, there is the so-called "liquid humus, which has properties similar to humus, but liquid and that gives you many possibilities of application. This humus is concentrated, so it is easy to store and is fully liquid (not floating material) so it passes through sprinklers, hoses or other equipment for irrigation fertilization. You can also apply on a leaf, so you can apply it to crops already established without problems.
downside, the liquid humus serves both to restore soils, since it contains organic matter such as humus traditional, but hey, you want, nobody is perfect.
liquid humus can also be used in other forms of cultivation such as hydroponics, as it has many nutrients. However, hydroponics, liquid humus has a downside: unless you do an analysis when you get it, do not know what proportion of each thing brings.
good thing (in this case), you do not have problems with excess, unlike the commercial fertilizer, you can pour the concentrate and not dry out and the plant, but will always be doubt.
The amount of nutrients present in the humus depends on the power of Vermiculture and therefore may vary according to the techniques used.
In my experience, I saw that the grass "leaf" as lettuce, spinach and similar waves grow well. Results fruit plants may vary according to what is given to the worms and are uncertain results if homemade worm, and you give him the worms coming out of your kitchen, so there is nothing predictable. Make
liquid humus is very easy: you use a part of humus for every 5 of water. For example, if you have 5 buckets of water, add a bucket of humus. Stir until all is dissolved. So you do not run out of arms, put the mulch and wait a couple of hours for the water to penetrate the material. Once more integrated, stir. You have to let a week to settle and mature and extract only the liquid.
This is concentrated, should be diluted in 4 parts water for every 1 of liquid humus. As always, it is best to try something that grows fast to see how he behaves.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wording Of Expeience Certificate
La Sierra. 2004

Margarita Martinez / Scott Dalton
[ For the uninitiated:
With the risk of sounding ignorant on the subject, I have a brief sketch of the armed conflict in Colombia because the documentary mentioned in the back and claim it. I've never been in that country and the closest thing that I really was a Colombian friend who was studying in the same school as me a couple of years. If I say something stupid, I'm sorry, but all I can say comes from the texts that I read about it.
conflicts between liberal and conservative parties arose from the nineteenth century. A mid-twentieth century were aggravated by the murder of a communist-leaning leader, then came a period called "Violence" where the struggle for power, let grudges and revenge to the tune of 200 thousand dead in a few years.
communist supporters were relegated and moved to remote areas of large cities, was the genesis of the FARC-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. As these fronts insurgents were gaining more political power and territorial, some conservatives (with the help government) to fight armed groups, paramilitaries are known (the most representative called AUC-Defense Forces of Colombia-).
To finance, both sides resort to extortion, abduction, expropriation of land or property and drug trafficking. Gradually been expanding its presence in large cities, for it used the marginal areas of the periphery. Its dynamics is to indoctrinate young and ignorant children, criminals and the dispossessed. The centerpiece of this urban warfare is that these militants have to line beardless one of the groups (left: FARC, ELN, National Liberation Army or right: AUC) if not their possessions, their families and their lives can go straight to hell. However, the absurd is such that at some point are fighting an armed cell of leftist ideology and a few days after the opponent has the same right-wing faction, the old friend, as improbable as "1984" by George Orwell ( the difference is that here there is a simulated war in order to exacerbate nationalism). ]
The documentary tells the story of three young men involved in a neighborhood where death is the only promise inescapable. These are three somewhat parallel lives (parents prematurely, poor and located in the middle of crossfire) but with divergent outcomes. The constant in this place is the struggle for territory, for the neighborhood. The dispute between opposing groups of murderers and drug traffickers, pitifully disguised ideological struggle, forced the inhabitants of the periphery to arm themselves and make a game.
first thing that jumps out is the unusual coldness with which they relate and live events as disastrous: the first shot focuses on a body plagued by flies, with shattered limbs and accommodated in a completely unnatural manara while the mob notes more morbidity than solidarity. Later, in a shootout, an elderly woman is hit by a stray bullet and his body lies inert in the middle of the street while people go with you with total indifference (an indifference which even occurs when one has the misfortune of seeing a stray dog \u200b\u200bhit).
The film evidence of the gruesome consequences of the collective loss of reality, as it has been twisted to such an extent that brutality becomes a song like everyday and makes justifiable collective madness anything. It is a deep-rooted alienation caused by a stupid, but necessary for subsistence. The seriousness of the matter is that this rarefied atmosphere merely repeated in a fateful cycle where infants younger than 10 years represent the seed of hatred that continues to fuel the system. Sorry
so repetitive, but one can not help but be amazed to see the commander of the Bloque Metro (their brand new 22 years) firing an assault rifle as a kid of 8 years makes it easy and accommodates the bullets, is particularly unspeakable the way they talk about death or expectations, with more pronounced indifference possible. The modus vivendi of this population is paradoxical because, as the discerning reader may assume, death is our daily bread, but are determined to be parents in order to perpetuate their genes, but all they do is immortalize rancor and revenge.
structurally To clarify things, the battle for "La Sierra" was contested by the Bloque Metro and Cacique Nutibara (AUC fronts) against the guerrillas of the ELN. After completing the "communist" the fight was between them!, "Ideological differences" Edison Florez argues, the story is repeated.
The makers of the documentary, an American and a Colombian, had to be widely accepted by high-ranking paramilitaries before exposing such intimate acts. The work took about a year and represented 100 hours of recording and editing thousands. The result leaves a bitter taste, I think the first thing that occurs is unbelief.
For those who see from afar and do not feel at first hand the atrocities committed by years of hatred and resentment is hard to fathom, and even imagine, what happens in some regions of Colombia. The natural question is why if you act like this is completely irrational? And the truth is that the answer is not our responsibility.
With the risk of sounding ignorant on the subject, I have a brief sketch of the armed conflict in Colombia because the documentary mentioned in the back and claim it. I've never been in that country and the closest thing that I really was a Colombian friend who was studying in the same school as me a couple of years. If I say something stupid, I'm sorry, but all I can say comes from the texts that I read about it.
conflicts between liberal and conservative parties arose from the nineteenth century. A mid-twentieth century were aggravated by the murder of a communist-leaning leader, then came a period called "Violence" where the struggle for power, let grudges and revenge to the tune of 200 thousand dead in a few years.
communist supporters were relegated and moved to remote areas of large cities, was the genesis of the FARC-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. As these fronts insurgents were gaining more political power and territorial, some conservatives (with the help government) to fight armed groups, paramilitaries are known (the most representative called AUC-Defense Forces of Colombia-).
To finance, both sides resort to extortion, abduction, expropriation of land or property and drug trafficking. Gradually been expanding its presence in large cities, for it used the marginal areas of the periphery. Its dynamics is to indoctrinate young and ignorant children, criminals and the dispossessed. The centerpiece of this urban warfare is that these militants have to line beardless one of the groups (left: FARC, ELN, National Liberation Army or right: AUC) if not their possessions, their families and their lives can go straight to hell. However, the absurd is such that at some point are fighting an armed cell of leftist ideology and a few days after the opponent has the same right-wing faction, the old friend, as improbable as "1984" by George Orwell ( the difference is that here there is a simulated war in order to exacerbate nationalism). ]
The documentary tells the story of three young men involved in a neighborhood where death is the only promise inescapable. These are three somewhat parallel lives (parents prematurely, poor and located in the middle of crossfire) but with divergent outcomes. The constant in this place is the struggle for territory, for the neighborhood. The dispute between opposing groups of murderers and drug traffickers, pitifully disguised ideological struggle, forced the inhabitants of the periphery to arm themselves and make a game.
first thing that jumps out is the unusual coldness with which they relate and live events as disastrous: the first shot focuses on a body plagued by flies, with shattered limbs and accommodated in a completely unnatural manara while the mob notes more morbidity than solidarity. Later, in a shootout, an elderly woman is hit by a stray bullet and his body lies inert in the middle of the street while people go with you with total indifference (an indifference which even occurs when one has the misfortune of seeing a stray dog \u200b\u200bhit).
The film evidence of the gruesome consequences of the collective loss of reality, as it has been twisted to such an extent that brutality becomes a song like everyday and makes justifiable collective madness anything. It is a deep-rooted alienation caused by a stupid, but necessary for subsistence. The seriousness of the matter is that this rarefied atmosphere merely repeated in a fateful cycle where infants younger than 10 years represent the seed of hatred that continues to fuel the system. Sorry
so repetitive, but one can not help but be amazed to see the commander of the Bloque Metro (their brand new 22 years) firing an assault rifle as a kid of 8 years makes it easy and accommodates the bullets, is particularly unspeakable the way they talk about death or expectations, with more pronounced indifference possible. The modus vivendi of this population is paradoxical because, as the discerning reader may assume, death is our daily bread, but are determined to be parents in order to perpetuate their genes, but all they do is immortalize rancor and revenge.
structurally To clarify things, the battle for "La Sierra" was contested by the Bloque Metro and Cacique Nutibara (AUC fronts) against the guerrillas of the ELN. After completing the "communist" the fight was between them!, "Ideological differences" Edison Florez argues, the story is repeated.
The makers of the documentary, an American and a Colombian, had to be widely accepted by high-ranking paramilitaries before exposing such intimate acts. The work took about a year and represented 100 hours of recording and editing thousands. The result leaves a bitter taste, I think the first thing that occurs is unbelief.
For those who see from afar and do not feel at first hand the atrocities committed by years of hatred and resentment is hard to fathom, and even imagine, what happens in some regions of Colombia. The natural question is why if you act like this is completely irrational? And the truth is that the answer is not our responsibility.
Here the Documuental
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fujifilm Fp-100c In Polaroid 600 Onestep?
The Lady of the Assassins. 1998.
Yo no soy nadie para juzgar una realidad a la que no pertenezco. Pero sí estoy capacitado para cuestionar a quien recrimina duramente a su propia gente por estar inmersa en un conflicto terriblemente sangriento, complejo y añejo cuando no se trata más que de peones en un macabro juego de ajedrez.

Barbet Schroeder
Fernando Vallejo wrote the book of the same name in 1994 and also the script for the movie version. This is a novel that does not last and leads to nowhere and instead spits bile on all sides is a sum of sentences departing from the deepest resentments and grudges against the people of Medellin, regardless of their nature.
One sometimes does not understand how this kind of novel published, much less how he became a best seller . I do not mean that the issue is cruel and my myopia prevents me from seeing something that even pitiful, it is clear, I say simply because it has no literary merit and impact formula through the stark and brutal narrative fills quickly despite being a short novel.
For the surfer who has not had the opportunity to read, let me quote a few lines:
"Vandalism is everywhere and the human horde, people and more people and as if we were few, and then, an old pregnant, one of those fucking bitches Birth "swarming all over their bellies shameless impunity in most monstrous"
Read "The Lady of the Assassins" is no different from approaching any poorly written horror novel. Agonizing death, more than enough, absurd, exaggerated and wrongly be, and I would say, even ridiculous. Not that it is wrong to expose these issues, the problem is the kind of writing where plasma. This is a Frankenstein between a documentary and a fiction where the results, so absurd composition is quite poor and there is no possible conclusion. This is compounded by glaring inconsistencies throughout the text: the writer, who is also the protagonist, seems to be particularly sensitive to the terrible situation in his hometown (does not tire of repeating in little over a hundred pages) but in a totally irrational and paradoxical allows annihilate his youth as a subject passes through the front.
The film is essentially the same as its literary counterpart. The story is obviously a caricature of the infamous and bloody daily phenomena of the nineties, it is taken to absurd reality. But to the misfortune of its producers, the film has a language different from the literature and if what was narrated in the novel was grotesque, the film breaks all likelihood paradigm and ends up being unintentionally funny.
In more specific questions, I think it suffers from fundamental technical aspects. The performances are terrible, its manufacture is rough, the camera is slow, the action segments are particularly mal logradas, el formato es como de televisión… no lo sé, creo que es tanto que escapa a la enumeración puntual.
One sometimes does not understand how this kind of novel published, much less how he became a best seller . I do not mean that the issue is cruel and my myopia prevents me from seeing something that even pitiful, it is clear, I say simply because it has no literary merit and impact formula through the stark and brutal narrative fills quickly despite being a short novel.
For the surfer who has not had the opportunity to read, let me quote a few lines:
"Vandalism is everywhere and the human horde, people and more people and as if we were few, and then, an old pregnant, one of those fucking bitches Birth "swarming all over their bellies shameless impunity in most monstrous"
Read "The Lady of the Assassins" is no different from approaching any poorly written horror novel. Agonizing death, more than enough, absurd, exaggerated and wrongly be, and I would say, even ridiculous. Not that it is wrong to expose these issues, the problem is the kind of writing where plasma. This is a Frankenstein between a documentary and a fiction where the results, so absurd composition is quite poor and there is no possible conclusion. This is compounded by glaring inconsistencies throughout the text: the writer, who is also the protagonist, seems to be particularly sensitive to the terrible situation in his hometown (does not tire of repeating in little over a hundred pages) but in a totally irrational and paradoxical allows annihilate his youth as a subject passes through the front.
The film is essentially the same as its literary counterpart. The story is obviously a caricature of the infamous and bloody daily phenomena of the nineties, it is taken to absurd reality. But to the misfortune of its producers, the film has a language different from the literature and if what was narrated in the novel was grotesque, the film breaks all likelihood paradigm and ends up being unintentionally funny.
In more specific questions, I think it suffers from fundamental technical aspects. The performances are terrible, its manufacture is rough, the camera is slow, the action segments are particularly mal logradas, el formato es como de televisión… no lo sé, creo que es tanto que escapa a la enumeración puntual.
Yo no soy nadie para juzgar una realidad a la que no pertenezco. Pero sí estoy capacitado para cuestionar a quien recrimina duramente a su propia gente por estar inmersa en un conflicto terriblemente sangriento, complejo y añejo cuando no se trata más que de peones en un macabro juego de ajedrez.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Buying Ikea Replacement Hardware
This is a common sight in all refrigerators, especially when you decide to put on a diet and want to eat salads to lower belly. This could lead to the situation we have many, that is to fill the fridge for healthy things and then forget all about the diet. This means that many of lettuce, spinach and other things for your super salads go to sleep the sleep of the righteous until they spoil. Bad news for your diet, but good news for the worms.
In another entry I said about feeding the worms. They have no teeth or chew, so you can only eat "swallowing" and assimilating their way to get into the digestive tract. That's why your Vermiculture material should be moist and smooth, so that the worm can open the way through.
These leaves (spinach are, of course) follow the typical process of putrefaction: the action of the bacteria will destroy the leaf tissues are "armed" and is a mass Smellybreff and quite unpleasant. Well, for us, because the worms are comfortable with this.
In several texts that you will read, referring to the worm, you grind as much as possible so that the worms can eat. Here the reality is that grind everything to stop the bacteria it ready for the worms. Fortunately, leftover green leaves are rolled back easily, so they are a very good food for Vermiculture.
This is not to say that spoil all your lettuce and spinach, but most of them are discarded at the time of preparation. Normally you take away the leaves Feit and the main stem. If you're cutting, not goals over which knife to these leftovers. In just a couple of days (sometimes within hours), these leaves are ready for your worms to realize them.
So if you want to put on a diet, consider that you will achieve not only show off your swimsuit, but also have fast food for your worms. Still prefer the bananas and tomatoes, but hey, not going to get another to eat what they give. After all, the worm will have to eat what they touch.
What Do Women Think About Men Shaved Genitals
La double vie de Véronique. (The Double Life of Veronique). 1991

Krzysztof Kieślowski
A veces uno debe ser demasiado frío, racional y descriptivo (cualidades ciertamente deseables) pero en muchas ocasiones abstraerse and fully explore what passes only just having fun. When you face a work of art, it is best to reject the rationality and the viewer simply must conform with the beauty that can be distilled as enigmatic object.
I usually act on that perspective every time I see a film by Kieslowski, where I abandon myself to be carefree, to reverie and watch, totally enthralled, the best stories told in the story. With it, the film rightly claims its status as art and not only represents a technical activity, as many others. And no matter if it's "The Decalogue" or "The Trilogy" (colored) because they and all their work has shown, above all, quality and, secondly, a special seal that makes it easily distinguishable (which is exactly the same as having personality).
's really about film is its best. Every shot, every frame, every image sublime poetry and pretentious dialogues are not needed for the story itself is told. It just takes a unique glimpse of life (from the smallest detail, yet the most representative), the routine carried proportions of divinity and feel necessary to plan an endless variety of feelings through photographs 24 per second. The
film that is stated in the title is a constant in that sense, it would be repetitive to list the many cosmetic and plastic flashes that saturate the hour and a half. Forgive me readers for being a hopeless romantic, but the story is the least important, when you have such dynamic and visual symbolism that deep you can not think of anything else. I recall that only two women is identical with parallel lives.
I usually act on that perspective every time I see a film by Kieslowski, where I abandon myself to be carefree, to reverie and watch, totally enthralled, the best stories told in the story. With it, the film rightly claims its status as art and not only represents a technical activity, as many others. And no matter if it's "The Decalogue" or "The Trilogy" (colored) because they and all their work has shown, above all, quality and, secondly, a special seal that makes it easily distinguishable (which is exactly the same as having personality).
's really about film is its best. Every shot, every frame, every image sublime poetry and pretentious dialogues are not needed for the story itself is told. It just takes a unique glimpse of life (from the smallest detail, yet the most representative), the routine carried proportions of divinity and feel necessary to plan an endless variety of feelings through photographs 24 per second. The
film that is stated in the title is a constant in that sense, it would be repetitive to list the many cosmetic and plastic flashes that saturate the hour and a half. Forgive me readers for being a hopeless romantic, but the story is the least important, when you have such dynamic and visual symbolism that deep you can not think of anything else. I recall that only two women is identical with parallel lives.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Places To Do Service Hours
Of Everything and Nothing
This entry does not put anything relevant to Vermiculture, only data that appeared to me and that made me interesting. Contests
monkeys were hitting the floor, dancing, clapping giving with rabbit costumes and lots of sonseras. The funny thing is that yes out the worms, so get him kicking the ground to bring out some.
Indeed, the British have many fights with the planarian, a slouch worm that eats the worms and can finish your Vermiculture in a while if you let him play. The only good thing is that there is a problem in Latin America, but we must not lower our guard.
So here, size really does not matter, only the desire to eat. Traditions
So aside to deal with ants, drought, wind and others, also I have to deal with the traditional legends. That things, right?
Earthworms have a lot of Omega 3, so if you eat a worm tacos, you're extending your life, plus they are pure protein, no fat and make you grow hair, haha, the latter not but the others do.
Finally, there are some near useless data to keep you busy. You want ... I can not think that experiments make for comment. I accept suggestions.
This entry does not put anything relevant to Vermiculture, only data that appeared to me and that made me interesting. Contests
was watching Animal Planet that there is a contest that, although there is little to do with the worm has to do with worms. It turns out that in England there is a contest of "attraction of worms", where contestants will mark a box on the ground and have 15 minutes to attract earthworms all they can.
monkeys were hitting the floor, dancing, clapping giving with rabbit costumes and lots of sonseras. The funny thing is that yes out the worms, so get him kicking the ground to bring out some.
Indeed, the British have many fights with the planarian, a slouch worm that eats the worms and can finish your Vermiculture in a while if you let him play. The only good thing is that there is a problem in Latin America, but we must not lower our guard.
size does not matter Earthworms-ground (not the Eisenia foetida) are much larger and move more, making them excellent for fishing. The problem is that reproduce slowly and need to bury and tunneling, so they are not comfortable in traditional Vermiculture. This makes them difficult to fish and not eat as much as their smaller relatives, but are very similar.
So here, size really does not matter, only the desire to eat. Traditions
In many Latin regions, earthworms are considered harmless. The first time I showed my mother the worms, almost ran into the kitchen for the pot of salt to kill them. Apparently mistaken for a parasite that enters your feet. Honestly I've never seen, so I have just urban legends.So aside to deal with ants, drought, wind and others, also I have to deal with the traditional legends. That things, right?
Another Source Of Omega 3
is fashionable to consume Omega 3 for all the benefits it has on health. The most common way is through commercial oil, who knows quite ugly and, although the flavor, leaves you with breath like fish.Earthworms have a lot of Omega 3, so if you eat a worm tacos, you're extending your life, plus they are pure protein, no fat and make you grow hair, haha, the latter not but the others do.
Finally, there are some near useless data to keep you busy. You want ... I can not think that experiments make for comment. I accept suggestions.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Doctor Female For Penis
The secret formula: Coca Cola in the blood. Satyricon
The short movie was made specifically for a contest experimental film made in 1965. The filmmaker was attended by Juan Rulfo in the script and the poet Jaime Sabines in the narrative.
plot is actually a complex, eclectic and surreal which is a bit difficult to keep pace with time. The essence, Gamez argues, is a warning of the impending ambush of U.S. imperialism. To reflect that uses all kinds of visual metaphors and seemingly outlandish events. The film contains several plot lines, but the constant seems to be the confrontation between the customs (the typical, entrenched or conservative) and the emerging modern, imported and imposed, in the sixties.
The images that accompany the narration of Sabines are a true reflection of the unsettling and disturbing prose Rulfo. More than any of the versions of "Pedro Páramo", "secret formula" transcribed to its full potential gloomy and languid images of claims places recreated by the great writer from Jalisco. These sites appear as a desert, alone and forgotten (haunted by miserable beings, who walk in the depths of despair.) Is a clear allusion to the impoverishment and neglect of the countryside, migration, urbanization, the remoteness of the years rustic, something indefinable. Rulfo expressed in his story "Luvina"
"From whatever side you look at it. Luvina is a very sad place. You going to there will notice. I would say is the nesting place of sadness. Where there is no known smile, as if all the people he had brought his face. And you, if you can see the sadness when you want. The air that blows there's stirring, but never takes it. Is there or was born there. And until you can taste and feel, because one is always on top, pressed against one, and because it is oppressive and a large poultice on the living flesh of the heart. "
And this constant also occurs in approximately 40 minutes of tape. Images and arguments very sad, pessimistic and reluctant to change.
I think the movie is somewhat dialectic. Its implementation is obviously dreaming, (suggesting too many things through resources from the subconscious), but is also supported by the current exhibition of ordinary people using the street as theater and represents their daily activities. Work is ambivalent, first obviously has a surreal concept, but his characterization is so realistic as the people who every day are in the streets, plazas or butchers.
No doubt the film is faithful to its goal. It is clearly the product of a young director, openly, eager to experience and no desire to please anyone but himself. However, no stranger to his time and it was a transition period, a stage where people are torn between modernity and archaism, Gamez chose the latter and he never fails to transmit its images. Chose to be innovative to defend a cause rather stale.
plot is actually a complex, eclectic and surreal which is a bit difficult to keep pace with time. The essence, Gamez argues, is a warning of the impending ambush of U.S. imperialism. To reflect that uses all kinds of visual metaphors and seemingly outlandish events. The film contains several plot lines, but the constant seems to be the confrontation between the customs (the typical, entrenched or conservative) and the emerging modern, imported and imposed, in the sixties.
The images that accompany the narration of Sabines are a true reflection of the unsettling and disturbing prose Rulfo. More than any of the versions of "Pedro Páramo", "secret formula" transcribed to its full potential gloomy and languid images of claims places recreated by the great writer from Jalisco. These sites appear as a desert, alone and forgotten (haunted by miserable beings, who walk in the depths of despair.) Is a clear allusion to the impoverishment and neglect of the countryside, migration, urbanization, the remoteness of the years rustic, something indefinable. Rulfo expressed in his story "Luvina"
"From whatever side you look at it. Luvina is a very sad place. You going to there will notice. I would say is the nesting place of sadness. Where there is no known smile, as if all the people he had brought his face. And you, if you can see the sadness when you want. The air that blows there's stirring, but never takes it. Is there or was born there. And until you can taste and feel, because one is always on top, pressed against one, and because it is oppressive and a large poultice on the living flesh of the heart. "
And this constant also occurs in approximately 40 minutes of tape. Images and arguments very sad, pessimistic and reluctant to change.
I think the movie is somewhat dialectic. Its implementation is obviously dreaming, (suggesting too many things through resources from the subconscious), but is also supported by the current exhibition of ordinary people using the street as theater and represents their daily activities. Work is ambivalent, first obviously has a surreal concept, but his characterization is so realistic as the people who every day are in the streets, plazas or butchers.
No doubt the film is faithful to its goal. It is clearly the product of a young director, openly, eager to experience and no desire to please anyone but himself. However, no stranger to his time and it was a transition period, a stage where people are torn between modernity and archaism, Gamez chose the latter and he never fails to transmit its images. Chose to be innovative to defend a cause rather stale.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Valerian Root Tea Vs Chamommile
1964. (The Satyricon).
"The Satyricon" was written by Petronius in the first century AD and represents, in contemporary terms, a novel every sense of the word. The text in question lived an odyssey to reach this day, including counterfeiting and the discovery of new extracts to a trickle. Asclepius Eumulpo, Encolpius are the main characters and plot of the play unfolds through their emotional entanglements with the youth Giton.
The book is divided into three parts. The first and last are quite mutilated and to some extent are variations to which the plot is hard to keep time. The central point is the feast of Trimalchio, a recently freed where one can access the daily life of Roman society, and therein lies the richness of the text. We hear talks about the power of oratory, education, profitable trades on the deplorable purchasing power, social progress, and so on.
Fellini's version is far from the original text and the first thing that stands out is that it is a morass of ideas set to hammering. Until the first half the plot tries to stand, but then completely lost the compass. As if this were not enough, the acting is terrible, stilted, stiff and very ample.
The misfortune is that he never had in mind exactly what to display. As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, much of the text is about the life of the ordinary citizen and why it's so charming. Fellini For its part, is lost in sentimentality, brothel is, persecution, a kind of gladiatorial combat, catacombs ... too and you just fed up.
The early scenes are downright attractive, dazzling photography a bit but after 10 minutes the film has nothing that will invariably supported the spiral of boredom. Although I must confess that the film also has some successes. The main color is a little seen and costumes for the more interesting. Obviously this is a big production, with virtually unlimited resources and tools, the problem is the use that was given to all those ornaments, which ultimately accounts are just that, secondary.
Historical documents are merely traces of past life. They are only approximate evaluations of an era that we look to the most absolute of subjectivism. On classics like "The Satyricon", we just get closer to that separate reality, but we do it with a modern perspective and cloudy. I think that this should be the real aim of the film, expanding the collection of obtuse and self-conscious minds (existing) and taken to a world everyday but also diametrically opposed to contemporary.

Federico Fellini
"The Satyricon" was written by Petronius in the first century AD and represents, in contemporary terms, a novel every sense of the word. The text in question lived an odyssey to reach this day, including counterfeiting and the discovery of new extracts to a trickle. Asclepius Eumulpo, Encolpius are the main characters and plot of the play unfolds through their emotional entanglements with the youth Giton.
The book is divided into three parts. The first and last are quite mutilated and to some extent are variations to which the plot is hard to keep time. The central point is the feast of Trimalchio, a recently freed where one can access the daily life of Roman society, and therein lies the richness of the text. We hear talks about the power of oratory, education, profitable trades on the deplorable purchasing power, social progress, and so on.
Fellini's version is far from the original text and the first thing that stands out is that it is a morass of ideas set to hammering. Until the first half the plot tries to stand, but then completely lost the compass. As if this were not enough, the acting is terrible, stilted, stiff and very ample.
The misfortune is that he never had in mind exactly what to display. As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, much of the text is about the life of the ordinary citizen and why it's so charming. Fellini For its part, is lost in sentimentality, brothel is, persecution, a kind of gladiatorial combat, catacombs ... too and you just fed up.
The early scenes are downright attractive, dazzling photography a bit but after 10 minutes the film has nothing that will invariably supported the spiral of boredom. Although I must confess that the film also has some successes. The main color is a little seen and costumes for the more interesting. Obviously this is a big production, with virtually unlimited resources and tools, the problem is the use that was given to all those ornaments, which ultimately accounts are just that, secondary.
Historical documents are merely traces of past life. They are only approximate evaluations of an era that we look to the most absolute of subjectivism. On classics like "The Satyricon", we just get closer to that separate reality, but we do it with a modern perspective and cloudy. I think that this should be the real aim of the film, expanding the collection of obtuse and self-conscious minds (existing) and taken to a world everyday but also diametrically opposed to contemporary.
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