What? And they say that nothing grows in humus ... It is one of many visits you will have in your Vermiculture. Here I always like to say that these fungi are indeed organic. Many people naturally call it "organic agriculture", but the plants do not feed on anything organic. Plants get minerals from the soil and it is they who used to grow.
plants get what they can not do any of the other beings life: energy and convert inert materials into living tissue. Hydroponics technique has great results with vegetables and is completely artificial, using a nutrient solution with artificial fertilizers. If you are using worm castings, which is almost converted into mineral matter, you get closer to nature, but they are truly organic mushrooms.
These, like many others, feeding on organic tissue. In the case of the photo, is what is called a saprophytic, which is a fungus that feeds on decaying material. The bad guys are others that feed on living tissue and can cause you big problems.
Well, the matter is that fungi require light, which feed on organic tissue and only need moisture. So, you Vermiculture is almost done for raising mushrooms. Well, not exactly, the humus is good for raising mushrooms because it is more mineral than organic material, but is the food of the worm which can have what is necessary for the fungus to grow.
saprophytic fungi do not cause any problem in your Vermiculture, just take away some food to the worms, but, if well fed, there is really much of a problem.
fungi have not exactly simple. I have spent many years with earthworms and rarely have fungi. I have not counted, but very few occasions when I have gathered mushrooms. The problem is that none of the fungi has been rich ... and I think risk, a fungus capable hallucinogenic and psychedelic just writing stuff.
Finally, fungi do nothing and if you see one, just chop and be part of the meal. After all, the worms will eat everything that was alive, so no problem.
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