Federico Fellini
"The Satyricon" was written by Petronius in the first century AD and represents, in contemporary terms, a novel every sense of the word. The text in question lived an odyssey to reach this day, including counterfeiting and the discovery of new extracts to a trickle. Asclepius Eumulpo, Encolpius are the main characters and plot of the play unfolds through their emotional entanglements with the youth Giton.
The book is divided into three parts. The first and last are quite mutilated and to some extent are variations to which the plot is hard to keep time. The central point is the feast of Trimalchio, a recently freed where one can access the daily life of Roman society, and therein lies the richness of the text. We hear talks about the power of oratory, education, profitable trades on the deplorable purchasing power, social progress, and so on.
Fellini's version is far from the original text and the first thing that stands out is that it is a morass of ideas set to hammering. Until the first half the plot tries to stand, but then completely lost the compass. As if this were not enough, the acting is terrible, stilted, stiff and very ample.
The misfortune is that he never had in mind exactly what to display. As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, much of the text is about the life of the ordinary citizen and why it's so charming. Fellini For its part, is lost in sentimentality, brothel is, persecution, a kind of gladiatorial combat, catacombs ... too and you just fed up.
The early scenes are downright attractive, dazzling photography a bit but after 10 minutes the film has nothing that will invariably supported the spiral of boredom. Although I must confess that the film also has some successes. The main color is a little seen and costumes for the more interesting. Obviously this is a big production, with virtually unlimited resources and tools, the problem is the use that was given to all those ornaments, which ultimately accounts are just that, secondary.
Historical documents are merely traces of past life. They are only approximate evaluations of an era that we look to the most absolute of subjectivism. On classics like "The Satyricon", we just get closer to that separate reality, but we do it with a modern perspective and cloudy. I think that this should be the real aim of the film, expanding the collection of obtuse and self-conscious minds (existing) and taken to a world everyday but also diametrically opposed to contemporary.
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