Margarita Martinez / Scott Dalton
[ For the uninitiated:
With the risk of sounding ignorant on the subject, I have a brief sketch of the armed conflict in Colombia because the documentary mentioned in the back and claim it. I've never been in that country and the closest thing that I really was a Colombian friend who was studying in the same school as me a couple of years. If I say something stupid, I'm sorry, but all I can say comes from the texts that I read about it.
conflicts between liberal and conservative parties arose from the nineteenth century. A mid-twentieth century were aggravated by the murder of a communist-leaning leader, then came a period called "Violence" where the struggle for power, let grudges and revenge to the tune of 200 thousand dead in a few years.
communist supporters were relegated and moved to remote areas of large cities, was the genesis of the FARC-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. As these fronts insurgents were gaining more political power and territorial, some conservatives (with the help government) to fight armed groups, paramilitaries are known (the most representative called AUC-Defense Forces of Colombia-).
To finance, both sides resort to extortion, abduction, expropriation of land or property and drug trafficking. Gradually been expanding its presence in large cities, for it used the marginal areas of the periphery. Its dynamics is to indoctrinate young and ignorant children, criminals and the dispossessed. The centerpiece of this urban warfare is that these militants have to line beardless one of the groups (left: FARC, ELN, National Liberation Army or right: AUC) if not their possessions, their families and their lives can go straight to hell. However, the absurd is such that at some point are fighting an armed cell of leftist ideology and a few days after the opponent has the same right-wing faction, the old friend, as improbable as "1984" by George Orwell ( the difference is that here there is a simulated war in order to exacerbate nationalism). ]
The documentary tells the story of three young men involved in a neighborhood where death is the only promise inescapable. These are three somewhat parallel lives (parents prematurely, poor and located in the middle of crossfire) but with divergent outcomes. The constant in this place is the struggle for territory, for the neighborhood. The dispute between opposing groups of murderers and drug traffickers, pitifully disguised ideological struggle, forced the inhabitants of the periphery to arm themselves and make a game.
first thing that jumps out is the unusual coldness with which they relate and live events as disastrous: the first shot focuses on a body plagued by flies, with shattered limbs and accommodated in a completely unnatural manara while the mob notes more morbidity than solidarity. Later, in a shootout, an elderly woman is hit by a stray bullet and his body lies inert in the middle of the street while people go with you with total indifference (an indifference which even occurs when one has the misfortune of seeing a stray dog \u200b\u200bhit).
The film evidence of the gruesome consequences of the collective loss of reality, as it has been twisted to such an extent that brutality becomes a song like everyday and makes justifiable collective madness anything. It is a deep-rooted alienation caused by a stupid, but necessary for subsistence. The seriousness of the matter is that this rarefied atmosphere merely repeated in a fateful cycle where infants younger than 10 years represent the seed of hatred that continues to fuel the system. Sorry
so repetitive, but one can not help but be amazed to see the commander of the Bloque Metro (their brand new 22 years) firing an assault rifle as a kid of 8 years makes it easy and accommodates the bullets, is particularly unspeakable the way they talk about death or expectations, with more pronounced indifference possible. The modus vivendi of this population is paradoxical because, as the discerning reader may assume, death is our daily bread, but are determined to be parents in order to perpetuate their genes, but all they do is immortalize rancor and revenge.
structurally To clarify things, the battle for "La Sierra" was contested by the Bloque Metro and Cacique Nutibara (AUC fronts) against the guerrillas of the ELN. After completing the "communist" the fight was between them!, "Ideological differences" Edison Florez argues, the story is repeated.
The makers of the documentary, an American and a Colombian, had to be widely accepted by high-ranking paramilitaries before exposing such intimate acts. The work took about a year and represented 100 hours of recording and editing thousands. The result leaves a bitter taste, I think the first thing that occurs is unbelief.
For those who see from afar and do not feel at first hand the atrocities committed by years of hatred and resentment is hard to fathom, and even imagine, what happens in some regions of Colombia. The natural question is why if you act like this is completely irrational? And the truth is that the answer is not our responsibility.
With the risk of sounding ignorant on the subject, I have a brief sketch of the armed conflict in Colombia because the documentary mentioned in the back and claim it. I've never been in that country and the closest thing that I really was a Colombian friend who was studying in the same school as me a couple of years. If I say something stupid, I'm sorry, but all I can say comes from the texts that I read about it.
conflicts between liberal and conservative parties arose from the nineteenth century. A mid-twentieth century were aggravated by the murder of a communist-leaning leader, then came a period called "Violence" where the struggle for power, let grudges and revenge to the tune of 200 thousand dead in a few years.
communist supporters were relegated and moved to remote areas of large cities, was the genesis of the FARC-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. As these fronts insurgents were gaining more political power and territorial, some conservatives (with the help government) to fight armed groups, paramilitaries are known (the most representative called AUC-Defense Forces of Colombia-).
To finance, both sides resort to extortion, abduction, expropriation of land or property and drug trafficking. Gradually been expanding its presence in large cities, for it used the marginal areas of the periphery. Its dynamics is to indoctrinate young and ignorant children, criminals and the dispossessed. The centerpiece of this urban warfare is that these militants have to line beardless one of the groups (left: FARC, ELN, National Liberation Army or right: AUC) if not their possessions, their families and their lives can go straight to hell. However, the absurd is such that at some point are fighting an armed cell of leftist ideology and a few days after the opponent has the same right-wing faction, the old friend, as improbable as "1984" by George Orwell ( the difference is that here there is a simulated war in order to exacerbate nationalism). ]
The documentary tells the story of three young men involved in a neighborhood where death is the only promise inescapable. These are three somewhat parallel lives (parents prematurely, poor and located in the middle of crossfire) but with divergent outcomes. The constant in this place is the struggle for territory, for the neighborhood. The dispute between opposing groups of murderers and drug traffickers, pitifully disguised ideological struggle, forced the inhabitants of the periphery to arm themselves and make a game.
first thing that jumps out is the unusual coldness with which they relate and live events as disastrous: the first shot focuses on a body plagued by flies, with shattered limbs and accommodated in a completely unnatural manara while the mob notes more morbidity than solidarity. Later, in a shootout, an elderly woman is hit by a stray bullet and his body lies inert in the middle of the street while people go with you with total indifference (an indifference which even occurs when one has the misfortune of seeing a stray dog \u200b\u200bhit).
The film evidence of the gruesome consequences of the collective loss of reality, as it has been twisted to such an extent that brutality becomes a song like everyday and makes justifiable collective madness anything. It is a deep-rooted alienation caused by a stupid, but necessary for subsistence. The seriousness of the matter is that this rarefied atmosphere merely repeated in a fateful cycle where infants younger than 10 years represent the seed of hatred that continues to fuel the system. Sorry
so repetitive, but one can not help but be amazed to see the commander of the Bloque Metro (their brand new 22 years) firing an assault rifle as a kid of 8 years makes it easy and accommodates the bullets, is particularly unspeakable the way they talk about death or expectations, with more pronounced indifference possible. The modus vivendi of this population is paradoxical because, as the discerning reader may assume, death is our daily bread, but are determined to be parents in order to perpetuate their genes, but all they do is immortalize rancor and revenge.
structurally To clarify things, the battle for "La Sierra" was contested by the Bloque Metro and Cacique Nutibara (AUC fronts) against the guerrillas of the ELN. After completing the "communist" the fight was between them!, "Ideological differences" Edison Florez argues, the story is repeated.
The makers of the documentary, an American and a Colombian, had to be widely accepted by high-ranking paramilitaries before exposing such intimate acts. The work took about a year and represented 100 hours of recording and editing thousands. The result leaves a bitter taste, I think the first thing that occurs is unbelief.
For those who see from afar and do not feel at first hand the atrocities committed by years of hatred and resentment is hard to fathom, and even imagine, what happens in some regions of Colombia. The natural question is why if you act like this is completely irrational? And the truth is that the answer is not our responsibility.
Here the Documuental
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