Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How A Scorpio Shows Interest


When I collected this privet (this only a couple of years ago), I were very impressed with its powerful tachiagari well as more than acceptable taper presenting the copy. Beside him were also his brothers, then how many privet, from a hedge where the pruning costante had ended up giving the form which you can see in the picture attached but, how I want the chance or misfortune not worked so well in the remaining copies to final only this came with me.
At that time, although he knew of easy to root privet, I chose to cut long, either upwards or downwards, leaving the same at 103cm height but with the spring shoots was more than five feet medium. Too big!.

thus time to reduce the height and get it closer to its final measures.

Once it has been cut in 84cm. A figure more in line with what a bonsai is concerned. But yes, of considerable size. And since the reduction would not only limit to the shoot, playing pick pot. While the picture is not seen too well, being the farthest from the two options, either are smaller compared to the original both in diameter and height.
The goal: reduce the roots that grow straight down the face of a future planted in pots and bonsai and win "maneuverability." That is, you can move it with both hands and not four as before.

out of the pot, the result can be more significant with respect to the ease of this kind occur when roots. In just two seasons of growth substrate (Akadama alone), is completely taken over by them.
also in the same picture you can see a stump result of the first cut in the field because it is a double trunk, which was sealed with pulp healing. Pasta scar also have applied to new cuts so you're are green so that the future facilitate the creation of dead wood by grinding.

And the result, failing to go polish details, is a tree with both hands ... around the house.


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