Thursday, May 28, 2009

Request For Wholesale Price Letter Sample

Humus! Buy Oranges! Fungi

On one occasion I said about feeding the worms and how they will eat anything that has been alive, just waiting for is sufficiently "processed" by the bacteria to eat.

Yet in vermiculture are foods that are best and others not so. Meat, for example, it stinks, attracts animals and generates a lot of gas. Another is citrus. These have a fairly high level of acidity, which causes bacteria to take much longer to process it.

As I'm new, and apart since I had to write about, I decided to do an experiment with orange peels, to see how much could be done with them. So I put a separate container, got the juice leftover morning along with some volunteers and I let it go.

In short, what happens is this:
  1. organic matter starts to lose their structure (because it is already dead) and softening, both by the action of bacteria such as necrosis.
  2. action of bacteria, insects and environment involved in the relaxation makes the pH go up or down, depending on the organic matter in question.
  3. Eventually, the pH is stabilized up to a point of 7 to 8. This is where the bacteria reproduce more quickly, more quickly and destroy all the worms can consume what they've missed
This happens very quickly with some things, but not oranges ... the shows took almost 5 weeks in the worms begin to feed on. That means that eventually will eat everything, but you have to wait long. No problem if you have space, but can be if there are limitations, which is common in cities, where you Vermiculture is limited by space. Compost everything before is also an option, but returning to space, not always something you can do.

The worms eat oranges, but they will not soon be ready.

worth mentioning that this experiment was made without any additives, only bedding, worms and oranges. Of course I was getting a little to the worms while oranges were ready to have to chew while.

This can be accelerated with agricultural lime or other means to increase the pH and allow the bacteria to act faster, but it will be until the next experiment, which I hope to start this weekend as the next my birthday and I'll be drunk. Thanks

Lu (sauris2005) for the comment and an idea for fun with the worms. I am sure that the power of the worms have an effect on potassium levels, as that done in several facilities to improve the quality of humus. Teach them how it's done! And compared with the same orange to see how much you can accelerate. During the season, pulled a bag of shells every week!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Request Letter To Company For Accommodation

What? And they say that nothing grows in humus ... It is one of many visits you will have in your Vermiculture. Here I always like to say that these fungi are indeed organic. Many people naturally call it "organic agriculture", but the plants do not feed on anything organic. Plants get minerals from the soil and it is they who used to grow.

plants get what they can not do any of the other beings life: energy and convert inert materials into living tissue. Hydroponics technique has great results with vegetables and is completely artificial, using a nutrient solution with artificial fertilizers. If you are using worm castings, which is almost converted into mineral matter, you get closer to nature, but they are truly organic mushrooms.

These, like many others, feeding on organic tissue. In the case of the photo, is what is called a saprophytic, which is a fungus that feeds on decaying material. The bad guys are others that feed on living tissue and can cause you big problems.

Well, the matter is that fungi require light, which feed on organic tissue and only need moisture. So, you Vermiculture is almost done for raising mushrooms. Well, not exactly, the humus is good for raising mushrooms because it is more mineral than organic material, but is the food of the worm which can have what is necessary for the fungus to grow.

saprophytic fungi do not cause any problem in your Vermiculture, just take away some food to the worms, but, if well fed, there is really much of a problem.

fungi have not exactly simple. I have spent many years with earthworms and rarely have fungi. I have not counted, but very few occasions when I have gathered mushrooms. The problem is that none of the fungi has been rich ... and I think risk, a fungus capable hallucinogenic and psychedelic just writing stuff.

Finally, fungi do nothing and if you see one, just chop and be part of the meal. After all, the worms will eat everything that was alive, so no problem.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Burning Sensation In Collarbone

In Humus Humus Liquid Easy Eating

Worm humus found with the worm, is one of the best natural fertilizers in the world, if not the best. Still, he has a small problem: the application.

For the humus to be effective, we must apply it evenly, giving a lot of slack, if done manually, or can only be done before sowing machines. If you already have all grown, you can cause damage to machine.

Finally, the topsoil is good, but struggles to put it when the plants grew. Of course there are ways, but applied to a crop that is already established is not exactly easy.

However, there is the so-called "liquid humus, which has properties similar to humus, but liquid and that gives you many possibilities of application. This humus is concentrated, so it is easy to store and is fully liquid (not floating material) so it passes through sprinklers, hoses or other equipment for irrigation fertilization. You can also apply on a leaf, so you can apply it to crops already established without problems.

downside, the liquid humus serves both to restore soils, since it contains organic matter such as humus traditional, but hey, you want, nobody is perfect.

liquid humus can also be used in other forms of cultivation such as hydroponics, as it has many nutrients. However, hydroponics, liquid humus has a downside: unless you do an analysis when you get it, do not know what proportion of each thing brings.

good thing (in this case), you do not have problems with excess, unlike the commercial fertilizer, you can pour the concentrate and not dry out and the plant, but will always be doubt.

The amount of nutrients present in the humus depends on the power of Vermiculture and therefore may vary according to the techniques used.

In my experience, I saw that the grass "leaf" as lettuce, spinach and similar waves grow well. Results fruit plants may vary according to what is given to the worms and are uncertain results if homemade worm, and you give him the worms coming out of your kitchen, so there is nothing predictable. Make

liquid humus is very easy: you use a part of humus for every 5 of water. For example, if you have 5 buckets of water, add a bucket of humus. Stir until all is dissolved. So you do not run out of arms, put the mulch and wait a couple of hours for the water to penetrate the material. Once more integrated, stir. You have to let a week to settle and mature and extract only the liquid.

This is concentrated, should be diluted in 4 parts water for every 1 of liquid humus. As always, it is best to try something that grows fast to see how he behaves.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wording Of Expeience Certificate

La Sierra. 2004

Margarita Martinez / Scott Dalton

[ For the uninitiated:

With the risk of sounding ignorant on the subject, I have a brief sketch of the armed conflict in Colombia because the documentary mentioned in the back and claim it. I've never been in that country and the closest thing that I really was a Colombian friend who was studying in the same school as me a couple of years. If I say something stupid, I'm sorry, but all I can say comes from the texts that I read about it.

conflicts between liberal and conservative parties arose from the nineteenth century. A mid-twentieth century were aggravated by the murder of a communist-leaning leader, then came a period called "Violence" where the struggle for power, let grudges and revenge to the tune of 200 thousand dead in a few years.

communist supporters were relegated and moved to remote areas of large cities, was the genesis of the FARC-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. As these fronts insurgents were gaining more political power and territorial, some conservatives (with the help government) to fight armed groups, paramilitaries are known (the most representative called AUC-Defense Forces of Colombia-).

To finance, both sides resort to extortion, abduction, expropriation of land or property and drug trafficking. Gradually been expanding its presence in large cities, for it used the marginal areas of the periphery. Its dynamics is to indoctrinate young and ignorant children, criminals and the dispossessed. The centerpiece of this urban warfare is that these militants have to line beardless one of the groups (left: FARC, ELN, National Liberation Army or right: AUC) if not their possessions, their families and their lives can go straight to hell. However, the absurd is such that at some point are fighting an armed cell of leftist ideology and a few days after the opponent has the same right-wing faction, the old friend, as improbable as "1984" by George Orwell ( the difference is that here there is a simulated war in order to exacerbate nationalism).

The documentary tells the story of three young men involved in a neighborhood where death is the only promise inescapable. These are three somewhat parallel lives (parents prematurely, poor and located in the middle of crossfire) but with divergent outcomes. The constant in this place is the struggle for territory, for the neighborhood. The dispute between opposing groups of murderers and drug traffickers, pitifully disguised ideological struggle, forced the inhabitants of the periphery to arm themselves and make a game.

first thing that jumps out is the unusual coldness with which they relate and live events as disastrous: the first shot focuses on a body plagued by flies, with shattered limbs and accommodated in a completely unnatural manara while the mob notes more morbidity than solidarity. Later, in a shootout, an elderly woman is hit by a stray bullet and his body lies inert in the middle of the street while people go with you with total indifference (an indifference which even occurs when one has the misfortune of seeing a stray dog \u200b\u200bhit).

The film evidence of the gruesome consequences of the collective loss of reality, as it has been twisted to such an extent that brutality becomes a song like everyday and makes justifiable collective madness anything. It is a deep-rooted alienation caused by a stupid, but necessary for subsistence. The seriousness of the matter is that this rarefied atmosphere merely repeated in a fateful cycle where infants younger than 10 years represent the seed of hatred that continues to fuel the system. Sorry

so repetitive, but one can not help but be amazed to see the commander of the Bloque Metro (their brand new 22 years) firing an assault rifle as a kid of 8 years makes it easy and accommodates the bullets, is particularly unspeakable the way they talk about death or expectations, with more pronounced indifference possible. The modus vivendi of this population is paradoxical because, as the discerning reader may assume, death is our daily bread, but are determined to be parents in order to perpetuate their genes, but all they do is immortalize rancor and revenge.

structurally To clarify things, the battle for "La Sierra" was contested by the Bloque Metro and Cacique Nutibara (AUC fronts) against the guerrillas of the ELN. After completing the "communist" the fight was between them!, "Ideological differences" Edison Florez argues, the story is repeated.

The makers of the documentary, an American and a Colombian, had to be widely accepted by high-ranking paramilitaries before exposing such intimate acts. The work took about a year and represented 100 hours of recording and editing thousands. The result leaves a bitter taste, I think the first thing that occurs is unbelief.

For those who see from afar and do not feel at first hand the atrocities committed by years of hatred and resentment is hard to fathom, and even imagine, what happens in some regions of Colombia. The natural question is why if you act like this is completely irrational? And the truth is that the answer is not our responsibility.

Here the Documuental

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fujifilm Fp-100c In Polaroid 600 Onestep?

The Lady of the Assassins. 1998.

Barbet Schroeder

Fernando Vallejo wrote the book of the same name in 1994 and also the script for the movie version. This is a novel that does not last and leads to nowhere and instead spits bile on all sides is a sum of sentences departing from the deepest resentments and grudges against the people of Medellin, regardless of their nature.

One sometimes does not understand how this kind of novel published, much less how he became a best seller . I do not mean that the issue is cruel and my myopia prevents me from seeing something that even pitiful, it is clear, I say simply because it has no literary merit and impact formula through the stark and brutal narrative fills quickly despite being a short novel.

For the surfer who has not had the opportunity to read, let me quote a few lines:

"Vandalism is everywhere and the human horde, people and more people and as if we were few, and then, an old pregnant, one of those fucking bitches Birth "swarming all over their bellies shameless impunity in most monstrous"

Read "The Lady of the Assassins" is no different from approaching any poorly written horror novel. Agonizing death, more than enough, absurd, exaggerated and wrongly be, and I would say, even ridiculous. Not that it is wrong to expose these issues, the problem is the kind of writing where plasma. This is a Frankenstein between a documentary and a fiction where the results, so absurd composition is quite poor and there is no possible conclusion. This is compounded by glaring inconsistencies throughout the text: the writer, who is also the protagonist, seems to be particularly sensitive to the terrible situation in his hometown (does not tire of repeating in little over a hundred pages) but in a totally irrational and paradoxical allows annihilate his youth as a subject passes through the front.

The film is essentially the same as its literary counterpart. The story is obviously a caricature of the infamous and bloody daily phenomena of the nineties, it is taken to absurd reality. But to the misfortune of its producers, the film has a language different from the literature and if what was narrated in the novel was grotesque, the film breaks all likelihood paradigm and ends up being unintentionally funny.

In more specific questions, I think it suffers from fundamental technical aspects. The performances are terrible, its manufacture is rough, the camera is slow, the action segments are particularly mal logradas, el formato es como de televisión… no lo sé, creo que es tanto que escapa a la enumeración puntual.

Yo no soy nadie para juzgar una realidad a la que no pertenezco. Pero sí estoy capacitado para cuestionar a quien recrimina duramente a su propia gente por estar inmersa en un conflicto terriblemente sangriento, complejo y añejo cuando no se trata más que de peones en un macabro juego de ajedrez.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Buying Ikea Replacement Hardware

This is a common sight in all refrigerators, especially when you decide to put on a diet and want to eat salads to lower belly. This could lead to the situation we have many, that is to fill the fridge for healthy things and then forget all about the diet. This means that many of lettuce, spinach and other things for your super salads go to sleep the sleep of the righteous until they spoil. Bad news for your diet, but good news for the worms.

In another entry I said about feeding the worms. They have no teeth or chew, so you can only eat "swallowing" and assimilating their way to get into the digestive tract. That's why your Vermiculture material should be moist and smooth, so that the worm can open the way through.

These leaves (spinach are, of course) follow the typical process of putrefaction: the action of the bacteria will destroy the leaf tissues are "armed" and is a mass Smellybreff and quite unpleasant. Well, for us, because the worms are comfortable with this.

In several texts that you will read, referring to the worm, you grind as much as possible so that the worms can eat. Here the reality is that grind everything to stop the bacteria it ready for the worms. Fortunately, leftover green leaves are rolled back easily, so they are a very good food for Vermiculture.

This is not to say that spoil all your lettuce and spinach, but most of them are discarded at the time of preparation. Normally you take away the leaves Feit and the main stem. If you're cutting, not goals over which knife to these leftovers. In just a couple of days (sometimes within hours), these leaves are ready for your worms to realize them.

So if you want to put on a diet, consider that you will achieve not only show off your swimsuit, but also have fast food for your worms. Still prefer the bananas and tomatoes, but hey, not going to get another to eat what they give. After all, the worm will have to eat what they touch.

What Do Women Think About Men Shaved Genitals

La double vie de Véronique. (The Double Life of Veronique). 1991

Krzysztof Kieślowski

A veces uno debe ser demasiado frío, racional y descriptivo (cualidades ciertamente deseables) pero en muchas ocasiones abstraerse and fully explore what passes only just having fun. When you face a work of art, it is best to reject the rationality and the viewer simply must conform with the beauty that can be distilled as enigmatic object.

I usually act on that perspective every time I see a film by Kieslowski, where I abandon myself to be carefree, to reverie and watch, totally enthralled, the best stories told in the story. With it, the film rightly claims its status as art and not only represents a technical activity, as many others. And no matter if it's "The Decalogue" or "The Trilogy" (colored) because they and all their work has shown, above all, quality and, secondly, a special seal that makes it easily distinguishable (which is exactly the same as having personality).

's really about film is its best. Every shot, every frame, every image sublime poetry and pretentious dialogues are not needed for the story itself is told. It just takes a unique glimpse of life (from the smallest detail, yet the most representative), the routine carried proportions of divinity and feel necessary to plan an endless variety of feelings through photographs 24 per second. The

film that is stated in the title is a constant in that sense, it would be repetitive to list the many cosmetic and plastic flashes that saturate the hour and a half. Forgive me readers for being a hopeless romantic, but the story is the least important, when you have such dynamic and visual symbolism that deep you can not think of anything else. I recall that only two women is identical with parallel lives.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Places To Do Service Hours

Of Everything and Nothing

This entry does not put anything relevant to Vermiculture, only data that appeared to me and that made me interesting. Contests


was watching Animal Planet that there is a contest that, although there is little to do with the worm has to do with worms. It turns out that in England there is a contest of "attraction of worms", where contestants will mark a box on the ground and have 15 minutes to attract earthworms all they can.

monkeys were hitting the floor, dancing, clapping giving with rabbit costumes and lots of sonseras. The funny thing is that yes out the worms, so get him kicking the ground to bring out some.

Indeed, the British have many fights with the planarian, a slouch worm that eats the worms and can finish your Vermiculture in a while if you let him play. The only good thing is that there is a problem in Latin America, but we must not lower our guard.

size does not matter Earthworms-ground (not the Eisenia foetida) are much larger and move more, making them excellent for fishing. The problem is that reproduce slowly and need to bury and tunneling, so they are not comfortable in traditional Vermiculture. This makes them difficult to fish and not eat as much as their smaller relatives, but are very similar.

So here, size really does not matter, only the desire to eat. Traditions


In many Latin regions, earthworms are considered harmless. The first time I showed my mother the worms, almost ran into the kitchen for the pot of salt to kill them. Apparently mistaken for a parasite that enters your feet. Honestly I've never seen, so I have just urban legends.

So aside to deal with ants, drought, wind and others, also I have to deal with the traditional legends. That things, right?

Another Source Of Omega 3

is fashionable to consume Omega 3 for all the benefits it has on health. The most common way is through commercial oil, who knows quite ugly and, although the flavor, leaves you with breath like fish.

Earthworms have a lot of Omega 3, so if you eat a worm tacos, you're extending your life, plus they are pure protein, no fat and make you grow hair, haha, the latter not but the others do.

Finally, there are some near useless data to keep you busy. You want ... I can not think that experiments make for comment. I accept suggestions.