Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cons Against Selling Human Organs

Joan V

To begin with the design of this juniper, one thing I had in mind was first disposition in which the tree is ready, and only after that premise can successfully undertake a design whatever the issue we have ahead.
Which, for this particular case, it becomes apparent that it is dispuesto de forma inclinada y que por lo tanto es obvio que las masas de verde en su lado izquierdo habrán de tomar protagonismo de forma que sirva de explicación del porqué de esta inclinación.

Dicho esto, ya tenemos sentadas las bases para acometer casi con total seguridad cualquier diseño que nos planteemos para árboles de tipología inclinada. Es decir, daremos especial importancia a utilizar para el diseño a las ramas que acompañen esta particularidad.

A partir de ahí, lo que deberíamos buscar con las consiguientes disposiciones de verde restantes, no es otra cosa sino que la busqueda de la disposición de estas de forma que terminen formando el consavido asymmetrical triangle.
Last but not least, it is essential to the existence of empty spaces that let us see the movement of the trunk and that combined with the green in turn, end up creating "suspense." Ie prone areas and other hidden look to it. I think it goes without saying that most of these areas of empty spaces, as well as give in the branches, are found primarily in the Shakespeare Boutique inside the curves of the trunk.
NOTE: Since the photos (I forgot to put a design proposal Joan Joi de Mallorca), and seeing no return, I promise to put this option in the next post. A very interesting proposal.


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