Saturday, April 2, 2011

Womens Tattooed Genital

3,2,1 ... Action: TEAM BONSAI!

just a few hours ago and within the framework of the VII EXPOFEIRA MULTISECTORIAL E ECOLÓXICA breeds in their first day of publication (there is still tomorrow), we have seen those present to bonsai in full team action.

Members: Luis Vila, Alberto Valeato, Leo White Lion Xian.

The main character: a creeping juniper.

In the first of the photos attached you can see three of the members of the team studying the best angle you come to the tree. From left to right: Leo, Luis, and Xian. But ... walk walk

Talk of the peeps around Rome and the decision agreed upon by the four (it is going to vonvertir in a semi cascade), start cleaning it while Luis studies through which will bend down to half sabina to fit the intended design.

Incredible bonsaikas interpenetration of these four, where it seems that everyone is assigned a task in advance. While Alberto is responsible for some initial cleanup of dead zones, Leo is responsible for fixing it by a strap so that it does not move at all in the face of strong interventions to come. And secondly, and Vila Xian continue to study the veins available both live and dead veins.

As I mentioned, the proposed design did not pass but through mid-trunk bend and the next picture you can see Vila uses saw for cutting a vein so dead that facilitates its folded down .

Not content to cut this vein dead insuificiente to take her wherever he wanted, also separated the living vein of the dead zone.

As if it was not clear that this was the mimísimo team in person at the next photo I do not think there is room for doubt that it was. In this, while other members continue with their assigned tasks, Luis looks to where or how much should go down that stretch.

Starting to fold ...

Once in position, the leg bent, is held by tension and start wiring ... if some are so well versed in the fence that literally eat away the wire. This only give you years of experience.

And this is the end result in the absence of that now and over time, this gain in densification and if possible further improve the modeling result of the four members of ..¡¡¡ TEEEEAM BONSAI .

demo Time: 3 hours.

Sunday Morning, and a market where amateurs podreis change bonsai trees, buy or whatever third-dish star if you come you could see the demo site by Juan Liñares and Marcial Campos (our president) both winners in their respective editions of the competition for new talent at the national level. No miss it, I assure you it will be worth. JOINING Unfortunately I can not and therefore I can not post about what occurs there.


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