Monday, April 11, 2011

Mgp Pro Scooter Very Cheap

Another Sketch ullastre

The following sketch has been made based on a ullastre Antonio Perez Pujol, who has placed in me the confidence as to get to it. The first impression after seeing it for the first time photo is shocking, no doubt there will be better, but I think agree with me that the tree is of unquestionable quality. This is certainly one of those prebonsais in good hands, (I know that they are when Toni has among its collection of this caliber trees), will be talking about in the future.
The reason for this post, since as it says the owner does not show the trees in exhibitions and there are few people who have seen him in person, is to make it known and that were fenced bonsaikas getting the idea that in a few years will result in a bonsai worthy of contemplation for few minutes, hours or whatever third.

Well, then I put the photo with the front two bands chosen and the corresponding sketch. In fact, I think in this particular case I have not served much help to the owner since this was already more or less the image that had in mind for him. In any case, thanks Toni!.
Thank you for the trust and to show us that as we love the bonsai.

In the sketch, looking with hindsight, the green bodies are perhaps a little too small relative to the trunk. To be a little larger in volume I think the tree would be better dressed. "


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