Thursday, May 14, 2009

Places To Do Service Hours

Of Everything and Nothing

This entry does not put anything relevant to Vermiculture, only data that appeared to me and that made me interesting. Contests


was watching Animal Planet that there is a contest that, although there is little to do with the worm has to do with worms. It turns out that in England there is a contest of "attraction of worms", where contestants will mark a box on the ground and have 15 minutes to attract earthworms all they can.

monkeys were hitting the floor, dancing, clapping giving with rabbit costumes and lots of sonseras. The funny thing is that yes out the worms, so get him kicking the ground to bring out some.

Indeed, the British have many fights with the planarian, a slouch worm that eats the worms and can finish your Vermiculture in a while if you let him play. The only good thing is that there is a problem in Latin America, but we must not lower our guard.

size does not matter Earthworms-ground (not the Eisenia foetida) are much larger and move more, making them excellent for fishing. The problem is that reproduce slowly and need to bury and tunneling, so they are not comfortable in traditional Vermiculture. This makes them difficult to fish and not eat as much as their smaller relatives, but are very similar.

So here, size really does not matter, only the desire to eat. Traditions


In many Latin regions, earthworms are considered harmless. The first time I showed my mother the worms, almost ran into the kitchen for the pot of salt to kill them. Apparently mistaken for a parasite that enters your feet. Honestly I've never seen, so I have just urban legends.

So aside to deal with ants, drought, wind and others, also I have to deal with the traditional legends. That things, right?

Another Source Of Omega 3

is fashionable to consume Omega 3 for all the benefits it has on health. The most common way is through commercial oil, who knows quite ugly and, although the flavor, leaves you with breath like fish.

Earthworms have a lot of Omega 3, so if you eat a worm tacos, you're extending your life, plus they are pure protein, no fat and make you grow hair, haha, the latter not but the others do.

Finally, there are some near useless data to keep you busy. You want ... I can not think that experiments make for comment. I accept suggestions.


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