Saturday, May 23, 2009

Burning Sensation In Collarbone

In Humus Humus Liquid Easy Eating

Worm humus found with the worm, is one of the best natural fertilizers in the world, if not the best. Still, he has a small problem: the application.

For the humus to be effective, we must apply it evenly, giving a lot of slack, if done manually, or can only be done before sowing machines. If you already have all grown, you can cause damage to machine.

Finally, the topsoil is good, but struggles to put it when the plants grew. Of course there are ways, but applied to a crop that is already established is not exactly easy.

However, there is the so-called "liquid humus, which has properties similar to humus, but liquid and that gives you many possibilities of application. This humus is concentrated, so it is easy to store and is fully liquid (not floating material) so it passes through sprinklers, hoses or other equipment for irrigation fertilization. You can also apply on a leaf, so you can apply it to crops already established without problems.

downside, the liquid humus serves both to restore soils, since it contains organic matter such as humus traditional, but hey, you want, nobody is perfect.

liquid humus can also be used in other forms of cultivation such as hydroponics, as it has many nutrients. However, hydroponics, liquid humus has a downside: unless you do an analysis when you get it, do not know what proportion of each thing brings.

good thing (in this case), you do not have problems with excess, unlike the commercial fertilizer, you can pour the concentrate and not dry out and the plant, but will always be doubt.

The amount of nutrients present in the humus depends on the power of Vermiculture and therefore may vary according to the techniques used.

In my experience, I saw that the grass "leaf" as lettuce, spinach and similar waves grow well. Results fruit plants may vary according to what is given to the worms and are uncertain results if homemade worm, and you give him the worms coming out of your kitchen, so there is nothing predictable. Make

liquid humus is very easy: you use a part of humus for every 5 of water. For example, if you have 5 buckets of water, add a bucket of humus. Stir until all is dissolved. So you do not run out of arms, put the mulch and wait a couple of hours for the water to penetrate the material. Once more integrated, stir. You have to let a week to settle and mature and extract only the liquid.

This is concentrated, should be diluted in 4 parts water for every 1 of liquid humus. As always, it is best to try something that grows fast to see how he behaves.


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