Friday, March 11, 2011

Ebook Financial Management Prasanna Chandra

Sketch II Semi Semi

Fixed problem with blogger (halfway), I get now continuing the previous post.
While both were initially planted options I had in mind for it, namely: lift at an angle of 90 degrees and turn it into a "moyogui" and by the counter, leaned towards the left and thus making it a semi cascade. It became clear, after the substrate surface limipieza that the first option should be ruled out. After this cleaning I realized that three were the starting points of the roots: to start the trunk, half of it and its end (right where it rises up). Therefore, and considering this option should be ruled moyogui since planting it at that angle, two of the three bursts of roots would remain in the air.

As you can see, sometimes the layout of the tree roots will make us the way forward, thus being discarded as design options that we had in mind for a particular issue in particular. In this case it was clear that the choice of plants was nothing but plant it in the semi cascade style.
In the attached picture you can see the result after this change of angle and also planted in this case it was necessary to adjust the pot to make room for all the roots. Thus, in addition to these tree could continue to provide the nutrients needed to overcome the transplant without being too extres by pruning "premature roots", to be they displayed in their initial part (where up), give us your parts and removed gradually over weeks or months by the technique of "bit" with the bailing cóncova. But this will not be until after an adjustment period lasting at least a year.

In this photo you can see it from her forehead sabina "definitive."
And for the next post ... sketches for both junipers of the latest entries.


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