E T his is the story collection of Sobreira (cork, Sobreiro, suro), which have sought to detail the process of this collection.
A story that was intended to say much but quedarseme the camera without the battery in the wrong time, there is little to be counted.
Not so for the early stages of land clearing and preparation for it before you start digging because of this first phase, if I have photographs. However, the extraction process and palletizing of the root ball will be orphaned photos.
In the first the photos you can see the tree as I found in a border area a breeding ground. The fact is that for over a year he had his eye and for different reasons had been putting its extraction. But a few days of this and, finally had time to get down to work.
After cleaning the weeds surrounding it became clear that such extraction would be anything but easy. If at first it seemed to grow in a cluster of weeds, this cluster and, unfortunately for me, was rather in a mound of small rocks and pebbles as a result of the accumulation over years of elimiación of these crop land next to it.
When this is so easy to foresee that we will not have many secondary roots that will enable us to survive after collection. Moreover, in these conditions, the most logical and expect that it possesses only a single tap root and few branches, as indeed it was.
We therefore need, in a first land clearing around the tree we have in mind to collect, we can draw several conclusions as could be that, to surround a rocky terrain such as a unique corresponding long taproot and few branches (less chance of survival) and on the contrary, a ground free of stones significantly increase the availability of a greater number of secondary roots and therefore a greater chance of survival after extraction.
Still, taking all this in mind I decided to bring him with me on a trial. From what I will backfire for sure. If after cleaning the tree is surrounded by a rocky terrain, the better to recap and leave it cual está. Por el momento y en espera de ver como evoluciona: unos cuantos padres nuestros y unas cuantas Ave María.
De cualquier manera os iré contando cosas con respecto a
este árbol para saber a que ateneros en estos casos.
The new tenant in its new location.
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