Stanley Kubrick
Kubrick had a very eclectic career she wandered between film peplum , science fiction, horror, erotic and last but not least, the pacheco . "Clockwork Orange" belongs to the latter categorization and is based on the novel of the same name written brilliantly by Anthony Burgess in 1962.
recreated the atmosphere is dystopian but not so apocalyptic. As a special feature is in secret language, slang used to gangs of teenagers which is incomprehensible in the opening scenes but, given the repeated and deduction, is gradually understand. These are words of Russian origin - "Fragments of an old gypsy slang ... a few words. But most are Slavic. Propaganda. Subliminal penetration. "- Dr. Brodsky says the novel.
Alex is the head of one of these urban hordes, he and his droogs have fun beating and torturing women and the elderly. One is a writer opposed to the totalitarian regime that prevails and there is a woman who ends up being killed. As a result he is imprisoned and experimentation lies a brand new brainwashing technique where the purpose is that it is repugnant violence or sexual desire. This is not behavior change itself is only a reflex tax: impulse remains the same criminal, but now can not put into practice because there is a psychological barrier and probably physiological.
As much of the literature and films of the sixties and seventies, is littered with references to the police state that existed in the socialist system and the influence that one way or another was on the other side of the planet. The language, the modus vivendi, the authoritarian state and adoration for the work are widely used arguments. The rarefied atmosphere
built by Kubrick is memorable. Filmography immortal scenes from the aforementioned tape and it is not surprising because the graphics are immense wealth, its scope and greatest virtue has been the settlement of collective memory. This has been the result of the zero restriction the atmosphere looking for all possible imaginary.
Malcolm McDowell is a very rare subject, not atinarĂa to define exactly why but his face refers to the madness and illness behavior. I would say that despite the stark contrast between "Clockwork Orange" and "Caligula" is very similar to his histrionics, as if some action and do not represent who simply is.
From a superficial view, the film is close to the novel. One of the main differences is the disparity of age in relation to the book's characters (Alex and the droogs prowl the fourteen years and have sex with girls of ten). But substantive change, and which eventually became the insistent criticism of Kubrick Burgess is the lack of consideration of the final chapter and thus the total alteration of history.
Despite being a dreadful novel to over twenty chapters, the twenty-first gives a totally different perspective. Suddenly becomes optimistic, hopeful and more positive messages, the main concern the change in mentality generated within oneself, not by imposition. The outcome is the opposite of Kubrick, follows the same structure, is the pessimism and gloom in conjunction, but not bad. In Kubrick
can say it was an excellent director and he had the touch to know what novels made into movies and making tangible the unthinkable.
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