is not even difficult to imagine the dramatic situation experienced by the fourteenth-century Europe. The pandemic of plague, "Black Death" or bubonic plague, spread throughout the continent and entire countries hit. In a few years glared at large population groups (between a quarter and half of European scholars suggest.)
Sometimes you see death as something far and it is up the appearance of certain tragic events when we reflect deeply on these things. Suddenly the old continent's population lived and suffered torment in hell on earth and in the flesh. Total revolution in art, lifestyle and economy were the consequences of mass death. These apocalyptic events generated fascination with the macabre and a substantial increase in spirituality. Religiosity was masochistic: Flagellates roamed the streets beating and marking back strongly, the company argued that only a celestial punishment was inflicting such havoc.
This is precisely the historical framework Bergman's film of that. It meant the ideal pretext to express their obsessions and, of course, those of all humanity as a whole: What is really God?
* Death has walked beside the crusading knight Antonius Block for long. Your body is ready to go but he is not in itself, while not losing a great game of chess as the Grim Reaper will not because his soul is precisely what the dispute. What is a photograph Bergman but splendid, deep existential dialogue, dynamic and spectacular theatrical and large open spaces?
The gentleman is an isolated character, reluctant to people of contempt and It feels empty. Do not want to die because he still does not hold enough knowledge: "It is inconceivable to comprehend God with the senses." In the end, the film has to atheism, but not for the dubious behavior of the clerical class, which exhibits, but rather a question of a philosophical than many of us has to think at some point.
"We make an idol of our fear and call it God" Antonius bluntly. And that statement is shaking the foundations of religion, at least the more practice. The bulk of believers are in fear of what might happen if they do not follow a religion; are few people who question depth why believe in God. Take refuge to an irrational desire so as not to feel alone and themselves protected. Plasma Bergman the divergence in the dialogues of the knight and his own inner demons are those which provide it with language, it exclaims, "What will happen to those who want to believe but can not?" The goal that guides, to interact so closely with death, is knowing what or who God knows what is closest and is willing to pay a high price, their own lives.
Bergman uses a device already used by Edgar Allan Poe in "The Masque of the Red Death" to give more suspense and strengthen the outcome. In the end, the knight returned to his castle Remote and wild, next to his wife to read, along with some guests, passages of the Apocalypse of St. John.
Finally, it should be noted the tendency of mankind to fear the coming times. I think we are fatalistic in nature and in every age and place of the world is latent catastrophic and apocalyptic vision. The strange thing is that we believe must be some way to atone for our sins and that can stop the calamity.
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