Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pierwsza Milosconline

Financing for Companies

These are some of the financing formulas commonly accepted in the business world, and greater use in commercial relations between companies and financial institutions:
  • Leasing (or lease with option to buy)

  • Renting (or lease without option to buy)

  • Factoring Confirming

  • Commercial discount loans

  • Appropriations

  • Commercial paper

  • Forward Financial Options

  • Swap
  • ICO financing lines

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Renting Leasing


Leasing is a financing formula through which and by a contract called for lease, the lessee enjoys a movable or property, and therefore enjoys its exploitation in the form of rent, can exercise a call option on those goods, at the end of the contract and the amount is usually identical to a fee. In return, the tenant agrees to pay a fixed recurring fees normally (same amount), and including part of the cost of the goods in cash, plus interest for funding.

Leasing can be considered as operating leases , if once the period of the lease, the lessee chooses to exercise the purchase option, but seeks a new asset on which you sign a new lease.

contrast, leasing can be considered as a financial leasing , if at the end of the contract, the lessee exercises the purchase option, and therefore has since that time, the full legal title to the property .


funding is a medium to long term. The most common time to sign a lease transaction are generally between 18 and 48 months.

Leasing is a financing more accessible to small and medium businesses that conventional bank credit, as the lessor reserves the right of control over them (the ownership of the asset).

Leasing practice usually financed all or a very high price of the goods.

Who does it:

leasing operations can only be made by:

- Banking.
- Savings.
- Specialised credit.

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The lease is the rental of property to a variable term as a contract between the parties, through which and by paying a fee, the beneficiary enjoys the use of good , run by the owner (lessor), the maintenance costs of the rented object, and whose expenses are part of the rental fee, although they are not broken down in that quota.

At the end of the lease, the tenant must reimburse the property to the lessor. Normally the landlord will generally sell the property once the lease contract, which has previously been his tenant, to a market price, after deducting the depreciation of the asset. This sale is no longer part of the lease, but legally constitute a contract of sale unrelated to the first.


The lease is often used as a model of short-term financing.

Lessee neglects the costs of maintenance of the property, as borne by the landlord.

Once the lease, it tends to keep the market price, which far exceeds the amount of the lease payment.

Who does it:

leasing operations can only be made by:

- Banking.
- Savings.
- Specialised credit.

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Factoring is the assignment of the receivables, held to a financial intermediary, on the debts of the company's customers at a price specified in the contract. The financial institution (factoring company) is responsible for the payment of that debt as being the creditor of the client of the firm, while the financial institution will advance the amount of the debt to the company with which he signed the contract.


Basically, users of factoring companies are as follows:

- Companies that are expanding, and show a rapid development.
- Companies with non-perishable products and the sale of which is repetitive.
- Companies supplying public bodies and governments.
- Companies that do not have a department organized for the management of credit and collections.

Factoring allows you to receive the amount of customer debt, after deducting the agreed financial cost to the factoring company. This funding formula allows for maximum mobilization of the portfolio of receivables and Therefore, the company guarantees the payment of those debts, so that in case of default by the customer, the hurt will the factoring company and not the company itself.

of accounting, from the time sold the customer base, reduce your debt balance, since this operation is no financial risk to the beneficiary.

By factoring, the author goes to collect the cash the amount invoiced to customers (this amount is the one that settles the factoring company).

This funding formula is expensive, being the interest rate, higher than that obtained by traditional trade discounts.

Often excluded from such transactions, customer sales and perishable products and those made to long term.

Who does it:

factoring operations can only be made by financial institutions or credit, ie by:

- Banking.
- Savings.
- Credit Unions.

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Discount Factoring Confirming commercial

confirming what is?

Confirming is a service provided by a financial institution to its customer, and that is to manage the payments of the company (the customer) to its suppliers, giving the latter the possibility of charging your bills before the due date. In return, the supplier must meet the company confirming the interest rate for the cost of financing.

confirming specifics

The advantages for the client (the company that has made purchases from their suppliers) are as follows:

- have managed their payments.
- This form of financing is a financing system in addition to the other formulas available to the company.

The advantages for the vendor (seller), are:

- Cobra bills advance (in exchange of financing costs).
- Get complete and detailed information about bills to be paid.

Who does it?

confirming operations can only be made by financial institutions or credit:

- Banking.
- Savings.
- Credit Unions.

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What is the trade discount?

The trade discount is the financial transaction through which the beneficiary receives the amount of evidence (usually a bill of exchange) on a non-expired (usually a sale to a customer), net of interest (and fees) agreed with the lender, and which are a function of time between the date of the advance and maturity of the loan.

features commercial off

Thanks to the trade discount, the entity becomes holder of the instrument (usually a bill of exchange), and therefore the holder of the payment of the amount contained in that security, and can submit the required fee to the exchange (the book, which is who is obligated to pay), the due date.

The beneficiary receives the anticipated charges, although in case of insolvency of the debtor, the bank will take action against the beneficiary of the trade discount, to recover the debt, charging him also about the return postage.

The amount paid by the bank as the transaction amount is given by the following equation:

= Nominal Cash - Discount

The nominal is the amount to be deducted, namely the amount of the title, while that is the capital cash is received, after deducting interest and commissions are what is the discount .

Who does it?
commercial operations can be performed by any financial institution.

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What is a loan?

The loan is a transaction whereby one party gives a number to the beneficiary, this formalized through a contract. The beneficiary (lender) agrees to repay the loan principal, plus interest and other expenses arising from this transaction, if any.

If you desire a good tool for calculating shares loan, or simply calculate the mortgage you will pay when you buy some a home, or the fee you will pay to have changed the interest rate, You can download this application in Excel, completely free (must enable macros, it works with macros): Calculate loans.

Loan features

Some types of loans are:

- Policy Loan: This type of financial operations is documented in a loan policy provided by financial institutions themselves. In that policy sets the handing over of a loan, an amount the lender as beneficiary the borrower, clearly indicating the maturity of the operation. The policy can specify additional guarantees, if any, agreed to grant the loan.

- Mortgage: This type of loan, commonly known as mortgage is a loan with collateral right over immovable property, which is implemented through a contract between the parties (lender and borrower). This type of operation is formalized through a public deed before a notary, and registered in the Registry of Property of the town, to take effect.

- Equity loan : This is a loan made by backers of the company. Usually made of venture capital to investee companies.

Equity loans are considered equity (equity), in cases of capital reduction and bankruptcy. For the purposes of classification and presentation in the balance sheet as equity loans are borrowed funds (third).

equity loans often have a long maturity, and can enjoy a long grace period.

Equity loans accrue interest which is in accordance with the results obtained by beneficiary.

usually have a range of enforcement to be subordinated to any other claim or obligation of the borrowing entity, standing right in front of members.

In the event of early repayment of shareholder loans the institution will be obliged to increase its capital by an amount equivalent to the aforementioned amortization, and payment of compensation if any contractually agreed.

Interest accrued equity loans, are considered tax deductible expenses and are subject to a withholding tax (at source), unless the lender is an entity Credit or a nonresident.

Who does it?

general lending operations can be performed by any lender, and equity loans, the shareholders.

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Credit Loan Commercial paper

What is credit?

Credit is a contract whereby a financial institution makes available to the beneficiary of the policy, an amount up to specified limits, during a period of time. In return, the bank regularly receive interest on the amount drawn, and the commission agreed in the contract.

The beneficiary undertakes to repay the amount set forth in the agreed timeframe.

credit usually implies the opening of an account with the bank.

credit features

These are some of the types of credits that can be found in business-to-financial institution:

- Credit Credit checking : Opening a current account Credit is inherent in the policy and are carried along with the signature of the account opening and book applications.

- Credit documentary: This type of loan is used primarily in international trade transactions as a method of financing, providing high security to the seller. With this type of credit, a foreign bank is committed by order of his client (the purchaser of the goods),
to pay, negotiate or accept documents presented to it.

Documentary credits to be classified into:

a) revocable letter of credit: This is one in which after opening and prior to payment, the importer can cancel at any time and will. It is therefore of a credit transaction with a very small collection security.

b) irrevocable letter of credit : It is that once opened and can not be canceled, and therefore guarantees the exporter will collect the sale, provided that the document is correct.

c) confirmed letter of credit: When a third financial institution (usually a major international financial institution) guarantees payment to the exporter, if the customer's bank importer did not.

d) letter of credit sight: When the payment is done cash. As soon as you submit the documentation, the importer's bank proceeds to payment.

e) term letter of credit: When payment is deferred operation, ie when to expect the agreed maturity to receive the amount of the sale, once the documentation has been delivered.

- syndicated loan is a type of operation in which credit is granted several financial institutions at a time, so the financial risk of the operation, in case of default is less than if a single grant entity.

The notes are a financing mechanism that many companies rely

Who does it?

Credit transactions can be performed by any financial institution.

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What is commercial paper?

The commercial paper are discounted securities, for which the issuer agrees to pay the beneficiary a certain amount, at maturity specified.

Characteristics of commercial paper

types of notes:

- pay would be (or nonsingular) : The distribution of these notes is done by auction and by periodic tender. Can access them, as investors retailers, such as institutional investors.

- as Notes (or unique) : The form of the award of these notes in the primary market, is by direct negotiation.

The notes are a financing mechanism that many companies rely, in order to finance major investments, acquisitions, and other projects.

Who does it?

Any business entity.

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Forward Swap Options

What is a forward?

is a derivative financial product, through which and by a contract, the contractor agrees to purchase an asset for a specified price on a specified date. The most used forwards, contracts are often fixed income instruments and exchange rates of currencies.

Features fordwards

not require any payment at the time of signing the contract, since the price is fixed both parties by mutual agreement and is payable at a future time.

Upon expiration of the contract there is only one cash flow for a party.

The contract is binding and obliges the parties.

is usually not negotiable after the close of the contract, since there are no secondary markets for the trading of forwards.

risk of the operation can be very high.

Who does it?

Any business entity.

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What is an option?

Financial options are a derivative financial instrument to whereby the buyer has the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell an underlying asset (eg shares), at a fixed price in advance, on a specified maturity.

Features options

There are two types of financing options: Option

call (option) : The call options, give your buyer the right (but not the obligation ), to buy the underlying asset at an agreed price (exercise or strike price) on a date specified in the contract. On the contrary, the seller of the call option is always required sell the underlying asset, assuming that the option buyer exercises his right to buy the underlying asset.
For example, buying a call option, is usually performed when the investor provides that actions of a particular listed company, will have an upward trend. The option buyer pays a premium (to get the seller of the option), and reserves the right to buy the shares in the future, but at a price fixed today. If, however, those shares plummet, the buyer does not exercise its option to purchase, and have lost only the premium.

put option (put option) : The put options entitle the buyer, to sell the underlying asset (but not the obligation), at a price fixed in advance, and an agreed deadline. The seller of the put, assumes the obligation to sell, if the buyer exercises his right.

If an investor anticipates that the shares will fall, buy a put option, to guarantee an agreed price (higher than bearish expectations, of course), and in the case of opting for exercising their right , the seller of the put will be obligated to deliver the underlying at the agreed price.

In either case (call or put), the buyer of an option will always pay a premium, it will make him the right to exercise your choice.

Who does it?

Any business entity.

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What is a swap?

A swap is a financial transaction in which two parties contractually agree to exchange cash flows at a future time.

Characteristics of swaps

It aims to hire this kind of financial derivatives, is largely mitigate any currency fluctuations and / or interest rates. Are often used to avoid the risk associated with granting a loan or credit (eg establishing a fixed rate to avoid severe fluctuations in the rates upward, can lead to insolvency of the debtor) to the underwriting of fixed income or currency exchange rate.

Who does it?

Any business entity.

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What are credit lines ICO?

The Official Credit Institute (ICO) is a state company that acts as a credit institution. Its main function is to fund companies, by granting loans at more advantageous rates than the market, so they can develop their business.

Features plans

ICO ICO acts as financial agent of the state, offering financing and long medium-term business investment projects, even encouraging the financing of strategic sectors, environmental, or carried out by business groups to serve as a motor and a lever for economic development in the country.

The ICO puts the marketing of certain amounts of cash to finance business projects (project progresses, plan live, online liquidity.). ICO plans can be obtained through any financial institution (no need to go directly to the ICO).

Who does it?

The Official Credit Institute (ICO) that acts as independent entity mediating between businesses and financial institutions.