From writer Betis D. Antonio Hernandez, author of the story "The Green March", during an interview with ABC on July 9, 2008, the writer D. Alberto Guillén, extract and target the following paragraphs, discuss what naturally under a constructive and respectful criticism:
1 º) - What was that "the Green March"?
"" The Green March did not really exist as such, that there was a massive shift to Utrera by a large number of fans to support the team already had seven years in 3 First Division after being champions and was about to regain some of its category amounting to 2 nd . So I came up to call this episode the Green March, taking the name of that event by the parallels and has since coined the term "."
Dear writer, in the first paragraph refers to Utrera, 0, Real Betis, 2 , happened during the tenth Day League Championship Third Division. The Real Betis and stood on the top of the table, and presented this lineup: González, Portu, Gabilondo, Cifuentes, Oscar, Aumesquet, Coto, Orive, Enrique, Mark Martin and Vilches. So that formation was immortalized in a photograph , at that time by the defunct publication, Sevilla, Diario de la Tarde ", 24 December 1953. And after her Betis fans displayed a banner that clearly is written the "Viva el Betis Manque Lose" . We stop at the tabloid, as found that the first reference known existing film. Manque about losing. "

The late John Petralanda, drew special attention to the group of blanquiverdes fans who came to cheer the team during that meeting, "We were the diabetics of the stoning, which we kept encouraging Utrera not a single fan."
picked up the idea of \u200b\u200b"Green March", should clarify that the season 52-53, to which the author fails, there would be another "Green March" to the land of the macaroons, during the CD Utrera, 0, Real Betis, 3 occurred that year. Correo de Andalucía, January 25, 1953:
"From very early and with the arrival of the first trains, our city was invaded by a large number of Seville. The day dawned as not to make a trip to watch a game, but Betis fans, ignoring the water, would not leave in this movement to your computer, such exhilaration that had injected the Sunday before defeating a large score Úbeda, having debuted in the ranks Betic Cedrés and Granés players from Real Madrid.
The anticipation was huge and the Campo de San Juan Bosco looked like a miniature Heliopolis, with more than three-quarters of the audience was composed of followers blanquiverdes.
Shortly after getting the ball in play, attack with greed and Seville Utrera beautifully replicates. Invades the nervous players and audience, and the train is getting faster ... "
therefore join in this, that there are no publications specifying any invasion of the Betis fans San Juan Bosco Utrera, prior to the aforementioned, 1953 , repeat, previous to this and commented on by the writer, as during the other Utrera-Betis (50-51 and 51-52), existing newspapers time, did not quote this avalanche Betis fan. But that does not mean that many fans did not come Betis.
The error of the writer, is associated with what would be the "second Green March" (1953-1954) to the immortalization of the same, apart from the previous "first", that occurred in the 52 -53 and discussed above, that the author may not know . Do not consider it necessary to immortalize an event related to the triumph out of the 3 rd Division, " but history, a posteriori, only reflected the time of the victors
2 º) .... And what's with the "manquepierda"?
"-The manquepierda is a slogan and a way of feeling. Betis slogan because the club has been a very persecuted in this country. After winning the league in the 34/35 season, six players that staff who were Basques migrate and form a traveling club that travels around the world, mainly in Latin America, which called Vizcaya CF which caused a feeling antibético for having belonged to it. Then when entering Queipo de Llano in Seville bombarded the headquarters of the club and its stadium was used as a reservoir tank of Italian Armored Division. I tell you it was a team that pursued and brought forth the cry of Viva manquepierda Betis! "
can not say that the very Queipo de Llano, Sevilla destroyed upon entering the Club Secretariat, as stated by D. Antonio Hernandez, that is absent from unknown truth, historical accuracy, as the social club Betis, who was in the Calle Bilbao n º 2 "Guide Sevilla.1935 Commerce and Industry, was destroyed by a bomb whose origin was unknown. However, Manolo Rodríguez Furest Thomas, in his "History of Real Betis Balompié. Volume II. BEA editions. 1981, " say" a few days after the start of the war was destroyed by the secretariat, who was in the street Bilbao, which meant a new blow to the hopes of those who cut and appeared to assist the sinking of the Company. In those days, according to testimony at the time referred to, Republican troops fired on Civil Government, located just behind the Hotel Inglaterra. One of the bombs, which were launched by elevation, stumbled upon the lamp located on the corner of Méndez Núñez, and after breaking the window entered the secretariat destroying it completely. " While this story fits in the mentioned in "Half a Century of Football Sevillano" Arc Julius Caesar. 1957, the fact is that not cite any sources of information for different parts , and that's the real problem.
While it is true that Italian troops parked their tanks at Exhibition Stadium and knocked down part of the south goal, leaving the facility unsuitable for football practice, we can not say that such fact was orchestrated by "antibéticas black hands." Would be to seriously consider the link to this fact, by the writer, along with former Social Local destruction of Bilbao Street, to deny that Real Betis away team pursued. In this regard, diabetics the moment, as the very Juan Petralanda, stated that "we were not politically persecuted, but nevertheless there was a very strong social repression" (Historia del Real Betis Balompié. Volume II. Editorial BEA. 1981). Thus, there was no persecution as such, as the writer uses some incorrect assumptions, lack of support ..... therefore continuing with Mr. Hernandez, ".... that gave rise to the cry of Viva el Betis Manquepierda ": If the causes fail (that), it is impossible" that "gave birth to the cry Senecan Betis. In addition, we have already clarified that the first mentions of the phrase shown on manquepierdista began in 1953, while l facts that this man you describe are limited to 1936 . The writer even adheres to the oral testimonies of the time. Moreover, if you look carefully in press releases, with the exception of the 48-49 campaign, in which the Real Betis finished in eighth place in the table, the rest was a continuous approach lifts positions even was played a promotion in 1951 -. Another chapter, which definitively alienate Betis of "persecution" would be the example of 1949, in three illustrious high positions federative diabetics, among whom was D. José María Domenech, as President of the Federación Andaluza de Fútbol. Or in 1949, Captain D. José Rodríguez Case, or in 1953, the Secretary of the Association was none Betis General D. Eduardo Sáenz de Buruaga ....
In this way, we make clear that the birth of Manquepierda proceeds to causes other. When time permits, we will try to objectify the most and make a small dissertation, trying to get close to the causes of our beloved and ancient Senecan cry.